Dear Colleagues,


AITEC is pleased to offer Kictanet members a 25% discount on the delegate fee for the Wireless Broadband Conference we are holding at Hilton Hotel over 29- Nov – 1 Dec. In addition, the first 50 delegates that register for the main conference qualify to attend practical implementation workshops on wireless technologies and CDMA free of charge.


See our web site for the full programme –


Please phone AITEC Kenya on 020-675-0802/020-2011233 to register.


I look forward to seeing you at the conference.




Sean Moroney                                                              

AITEC Africa

UK Tel: +44-(0)1480-880774

UK Fax: +44-(0)1480-880765

UK Mobile: +44(0)7973-499224

SA Mobile: +27(0)72-610-7153

Kenya Mobile: +254(0)721-845674

Skype: seanmoroney





For the detailed programme and to register as a delegate, log on to