Trust the incoming will award in coming governors providing portals with the most detailed and relevant (current) information on health, safety and business issues.

An investor opening a supermarket on a premise measuring just over 3,000 square metres pays nearly double for a business permit in Migori compared to Nairobi, underlining the appetite by counties to generate own revenue.

Data released on Wednesday by the Commission on Revenue Allocation (CRA) based on the latest county revenue laws, shows that annual single business permit for 3,001 square metre hyper supermarket costs an investor in Migori Sh150,000 annually. This is 87.5 per cent more than the Sh80,000 one pays in annual fee for a permit for the same business and space in Nairobi, data in the Integrated Devolution Data Portal indicates.

The portal was launched in partnership with the Kenya Association of Manufacturers (KAM) with technical help from the European Union.