Dear Pierre,
Brian Munyao Longwe | Mobile: 254715964281 |
Dear Mr Brian
Do you really think that the community needs that? By making that some people hate others?
You'd better make an appointment with Ms Bekele in a television talk show. Or write also to ICANN to express your own opinion or your own position. Africa does not need this kind of debate you want to create. We are tired. We have other higher priority issues to be addressed.
A leader or someone who considers himself as leader should address some issues like the one you want to raise with wisdom and method.
Best regards--
Pierre Lotis NANKEP
IT Engineer / ANTIC
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De : Brian Munyao Longwe <>
À :; KICTAnet ICT Policy Discussions <>;
Envoyé le : Samedi 11 août 2012 21h28
Objet : [AfrICANN-discuss] Strange letter to ICANN
_______________________________________________I recently came across this letter written by Ms. Sophia Bekele to ICANN regarding the recently vacated position held by Anne-Rachel Inne at ICANN. Letter from Sophia Bekele to Akram AtallahWhile everyone is entitled to have their own opinion I find it extremely distasteful that Ms. Bekele would go as far as to allege that AFRICANN and for that matter AFTLD, AFRINIC, AFNOG, AFRISPA, AFRALO are made up of people who have sinister agendas.I take it as a personal affront that such an aspersion would be cast on myself as I not only consider myself an interested party in AFRICANN but I have also been involved in the founding and establishment of some of the above organizations and believe them and the individuals associated with them to be above reproach.I continue to find DCA's sustained divisive and millitant attitude quite troubling,What do other community members think?Brian
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