We would like to invite you to opening ceremony of our project, that will be held on 15th of September 2007 in Sega Township Primary School organized by Simba Friends Foundation Poland.


The project is a part of Sega Sillicon Valley program financed by Simba Friends Foundation and polish Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Our activities focus on installation of computers in certain schools in Sega Township, creation of an IT Centre available for the local community, organization of trainings on ICT and environmental protection. The actions of Simba Friends Foundation are aim at empowering the inhabitants of Sega by enabling them access to IT education and as a result widening their chances for employment.


Attached is our program of events that would take place from 10.am to 4.pm. You are most welcomed, we hope you will be able to make it.

Best Regards,
Jose' Njuki-Imwe Ngunjiri
|| +254 722 336754 ||

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