Thank you Mr. Ali, As you already know, it is an opportunity space we are creating for people to divert their creative talent for the positive things in not only Mombasa, but for the region.

On Mon, Dec 22, 2014 at 9:39 AM, Ali Hussein <> wrote:

Mabrouk Alf Mabrouk.

Humbled to be associated with the Box.

Let's hope Insha Allah, this will go some ways in diverting our young people towards more constructive endeavors and away from radicalization. 

Ali Hussein

+254 770 906375 / 0713 601113

Twitter: @AliHKassim

Skype: abu-jomo



"I fear the day technology will surpass human interaction. The world will have a generation of idiots".  ~ Albert Einstein

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On Dec 22, 2014, at 8:59 AM, Ahmed Mohamed Maawy via kictanet <> wrote:


We have already started the process of bringing up what will be Mombasa's Technology Hub, The SwahiliBox, to life, and we have prepped up a team of volunteers to work with us in the process - so we are working together with the tech community here to shape up their next new and major home. It is going to be interesting to eventually see how the Nairobi and Mombasa Technology Communities can come and work together as a result of this. What would be more interesting would be to see the activities we can bring down to the space and create a more "regional" technology landscape.

We shall be sharing the stories as we move along the way. But the next few weeks and months will be God willing very interesting.

Ahmed Maawy
Executive Director - M-Power (CBO)
Shaper - Global Shapers
Ambassador - Open Knowledge
Director - Startup Grind Mombasa
Software Developer - Volo Broadband
(KE) +254 714 960 627
Skype: ultimateprogramer
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Ahmed Maawy
Executive Director - M-Power (CBO)
Shaper - Global Shapers
Ambassador - Open Knowledge
Director - Startup Grind Mombasa
Software Developer - Volo Broadband
(KE) +254 714 960 627
Skype: ultimateprogramer