Wamae, You may find few commenting on this thread... In fact, these days when one jokingly refers to another with any ethnic connotation, a visible withdrawn discomfort emanates. The poor tribeless youths are getting even more confused by the day. Before infamous political-interests-instigated PEV urogi infected us, what defined our relationship? http://africamatters.blogspot.com/2008/01/tribalism-in-kenya.html. Just forget all those other opinionated "tribal relations" commentators from the West and North. They are just wrong or have/had their own motives. So far, one notices the same politicians want 'the nation to reconcile and heal - but in silence'. No-one should mention any ethnic realities..whatsoever.. Absolute bizarreness! Anyway, Ji enjoy "Nyimbo Cia kuinira Ngai Vol.1" by Njoroge Ngari http://payplay.fm/ngari5 Alex On Thu, Apr 9, 2009 at 10:35 PM, Mwangi Wamae <mwangi.wamae@gmail.com> wrote:
I was surfing channels and I came across a Gikuyu movie on DSTV. This is the first Gikuyu movie I have ever seen! It is a well produced movie and, well, it spoke to me. It is astounding that in 40-something years I have never seen a full production movie in my vernacular.
The power of language is amazing, I commend the Kenya Film Commission and all those who made it possible.
I was so captivated that I strongly advocate more movies in local languages -- I watch French, Italian and German movies with subtities, I am sure that I would have no problem with sub-titled movies in Dholuo, Maragoli or Kisii.
-Mw, Cape Town
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