In case you missed.
Aside from these, I have seen products made from bananas, pineapples and avocado ready for large scale agro-processing investment. There is a lot to learn from this institution.
One more comment regarding Jua Kali: how many of AIE holders on this list have made it a policy to source from Jua Kali e.g. furniture? Not only would this earn this hard working lot a better living but the sourcer can also help lift standards of products Jua Kali produce.
Sentiments expressed here about polytechnics are right on. In my Nyamira area we have been arguing about what to
press for first: a university or a world class polytechnic? I have supported the latter adding that more should also be done in village polytechnic type skills development. And for reasons that today, we have an inverted pyramid with a lot of graduates without the needed support structure to make them effective.
Matunda Nyanchama, PhD, CISSP;
Agano Consulting Inc.;; Twitter: nmatunda; Skype: okiambe
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