Twitter: @AliHKassim
Skype: abu-jomo
Blog: www.alyhussein.comHi,Facebook as increased their staff significantly to help police what is posted. We may want not to blame the medium used and focus more on addressing the culture of marrying off children of any gender in any country. That way, we remain focussed on 'children's rights'.The main offenders in this case are the "sellers" and "buyers" who took part in the auction.In the end, the extent of regulation will depend on mutistakeholder negotiations on the balance between an open Internet for all and the need to protect privacy, security and human rights online.WainainaOn 20 Nov 2018 15:18, evelyne wanjiku via kictanet <> wrote:Hi listers,Im following a debate on cnn about this south sudanese 'baby bride' who was auctioned on fb.It brings me back to this question, who should regulate facebook? Some argue fb is too big to regulate all the things that happen on their platform.Who should police fb? Is it us? We have power to shut down our pages if we dont agree with what goes on in their...but we don't. Why?Is it facebook? Do they care about being responsible especially in Africa?Is it government? And just how far can the government reach?Or should we just relax and face the beginning of the end by having an attitude of anything goes as long we have internet.Nice day everyone.
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