Thanks Ali once again for the minutes.

Government will always seem to have a heavy hand when it comes to new innovation due to a number of factors ie:

1) Uncertainty
2) Contention over resources
3) Disruption and unforeseen eventualities
4) The public good

However i would imagine as a way forward we can suggest various lenses in which the government can approach Blockchain when it comes to regulation. There are two options as to which we can embark on:

1) Principle based

The regulatory body provides the market participants with principles that should serve to guide their activity while allowing them discretion to decide how they will meet their regulatory obligations.

2) Performance based

The regulatory body puts forward certain metrics that market participants are required or encouraged to meet.

I posit the second option is what would be ideal for such a nascent technology but willing to hear views from others.


Eric Mwangi
Founder  - Vault Global

On Thu, Sep 29, 2016 at 7:48 AM, Barrack Otieno via kictanet <> wrote:

This is for your information and attention.

Best Regards

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Olivier MJ Crepin-Leblond <>
Date: Thu, 29 Sep 2016 08:44:19 +0200
Subject: [IANA-issues] House OKs legislation to avert federal shutdown
To: "" <>

The House passed the bill funding the government through Dec. 9 late
Wednesday in a 342-85 vote after the Senate easily approved it earlier
that afternoon. The bill contained no references to the IANA oversight

It increasingly looks like the NTIA contract will end in 48H and the
IANA Stewardship Transition will be complete.

Kindest regards,


Iana-issues mailing list

Barrack O. Otieno
Skype: barrack.otieno
PGP ID: 0x2611D86A

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