No doubt that content will dictate who gets more viewers, it will be inevitable that eventualy the digital switch has to happen. The earlier the media owners restructure their systems to accomodate the smoother the transition. I think the rental of old media masts for broadband opportunities is an avenue that should be explored seriously. Gideon Rop DotConnectAfrica "
"I have argued in a previous post that content will be the winner. There will be companies whose business is to produce content e.g community theatres, schools, etc You have a choice to either distribute or sell this content or you can give it to another company to distribute it for you, think of the middle men. For instance, we could decide as a village to produce a cooking show, then sell it to either the media houses or through an intermediary. It will depend on capital outlay and negotiation skills. If your core business is production, you can leave distribution to other companies that have sharks and vulture like characters to maximize the profits.
Remember, CCK says 60% has to be local content, where do you think the media will get this content? Lets get to work "
What are these opportunities?
1. Software development 2. Content generators/distributors 3. Media personalities, owners etc 4. Digital Dividend allocations 5. Renting old media masts 6. Pay per view services
More on: http://www.wanjiku.co.ke/2014/01/digital-migration-business-opportunities/