On 7 March 2013 08:53, Joseph Mucheru <mucheru@google.com> wrote:
Dear Listers,
Is this the right time to be asking Dismas to answer questions or getting him to get the results out? Let's focus on the BIG issue at the moment, the results are not out yet and this is the number one priority for IEBC and the staff and the country. After the results are out, we can call an open public forum that will give everyone time to respond. Right now political parties, candidates and the country are waiting for results and it would be unfair to expect IEBC to be answering questions on the systems right now.
my two cents
Listers, A couple of things I find significant, 1. Our PS has come to this list to start addressing some of the concerns. The information the PS shares begins to explain the challenges we have all seen. Unlike others who have claimed that even asking questions is unpatriotic it is refreshing to see Daktari engage. 2. This is NOT just a technology problem, we have seen, even on this email chain, that conspiracy theories have fertile minds - one poster on this thread even implied that lives are in danger (extremely inflammatory speech). This is much more an integrity/credibility issue than a technology issue. 3. The credibility of the IEBC is crucial for the process to be successful. Before the election approval ratings of the IEBC were around 85%. This high credibility of the IEBC would be maintained if it was explained widely that what we saw a technology problem and not a results manipulation problem. So while it is important that results are processed quickly, it is equally important that the credibility of the institution releasing those results is maintained. D