M-Farm (www.m-farm.co.ke), a revolutionary mobile application pioneered by two Kenyan female techies who have build an application to guarantee farmers optimal value for their produce by enhancing market access via a mobile agricultural  commodity exchange (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Commodities_exchange) platform.

This application can make a big difference for rural farmers in Kenya trying to fetch the best prices and escape shortchange by middlemen. This application can be used by farmers all over the world. The application can facilitate our African farmers also fetch best value of their raw produce while exporting to international markets significantly enhancing the value African economies fetch on produce such as coffee, tea, pyre-thrum and many other tropic agricultural produce.

On Thu, Aug 11, 2011 at 10:52 AM, Agosta Liko <agostal@gmail.com> wrote:

Check out www.mfarm.co.ke

They have what should grow into an exchange

On 8/11/11, aki <aki275@gmail.com> wrote:
> Dear Listers,
> I've had a read of many articles just on this subject as I go dig in deeper
> into the agri-engineering aspects and have these questions. If anyone could
> provide more information, It may just set the process rolling in the long
> term and is very much appreciated.
> 1) Why has such an exchange not been implemented so far? Has this got
> anything to do with liberalization of the Agri-Marketing sector?
> 2) In ICT, it is possible to create many systems to perform core functions
> and provide services as platforms. How does the process really work at
> ground level?
> 3) The concept of the exchange is based on seller/buyer and possibly
> futures. Does it then mean there will be a need for trading floors, phone
> based working in parallel with ICT?
> 4) What would limit farmers from using the commodity exchange?
> 5) Are there still regulations that prevent the growth of a commodity
> exchange?
> 6) What is ailing the agriculture sector? Is it bad infrastructure, bad
> politics, lack of markets, brokers, expensive or un-informed farm inputs or
> are there other factors too?
> 7) Is there a will or drive for farmers/societies to use ICT to improve on
> trading and awareness? This would mean moving away from the 160 character
> sms because it is too limiting.
> Thank you for your time.
> Rgds.

Sent from my mobile device

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Then they laugh at you,
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