On 8/11/11, aki <
aki275@gmail.com> wrote:
> Dear Listers,
> I've had a read of many articles just on this subject as I go dig in deeper
> into the agri-engineering aspects and have these questions. If anyone could
> provide more information, It may just set the process rolling in the long
> term and is very much appreciated.
> 1) Why has such an exchange not been implemented so far? Has this got
> anything to do with liberalization of the Agri-Marketing sector?
> 2) In ICT, it is possible to create many systems to perform core functions
> and provide services as platforms. How does the process really work at
> ground level?
> 3) The concept of the exchange is based on seller/buyer and possibly
> futures. Does it then mean there will be a need for trading floors, phone
> based working in parallel with ICT?
> 4) What would limit farmers from using the commodity exchange?
> 5) Are there still regulations that prevent the growth of a commodity
> exchange?
> 6) What is ailing the agriculture sector? Is it bad infrastructure, bad
> politics, lack of markets, brokers, expensive or un-informed farm inputs or
> are there other factors too?
> 7) Is there a will or drive for farmers/societies to use ICT to improve on
> trading and awareness? This would mean moving away from the 160 character
> sms because it is too limiting.
> Thank you for your time.
> Rgds.