Dear Grace,

Thanks for sharing this important information.

Best Regards,

Martin Mavenjina

Program Advisor - Transitional Justice | KENYA HUMAN RIGHTS COMMISSION

Opp. Valley Arcade, Gitanga Road, P.O Box 41079, 00100 GPO, Nairobi, Kenya.

Tel. +254 722 264497 Personal Cell: +254704450288

Email:  | Web: Kenya Human Rights Commission |

Twitter - @martinmavenjina    Skype: martinrayt

On Tue, Oct 26, 2021 at 5:02 PM Grace Githaiga via KICTANet <> wrote:
Dear Listers


The office of the Data Protection Commissioner (ODPC) will launch its 2021-2024 Strategic Plan tomorrow Wednesday starting at 8.30am. Owing to COVID protocols, the meeting is hybrid and an invitation is being extended to all those interested to participate virtually via the link below. For more information, kindly see the invite which is part of this email. Thanks. 

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Alternate VTC instructionsDate: Mon, Oct 25, 2021 at 2:08 PM
To: Grace Githaiga <>

Dear Grace, 

The Office of the Data Protection Commissioner (ODPC) has developed a three (3) year Strategic Plan (2021/2022- 2023/2024) which set the overall goals and Strategic Objectives for Office as well as strategies to be implemented in the next three years.

The Strategic Plan was developed in collaboration with financial support from the Government of United Kingdom through the existing UK-Kenya Strategic Partnership 2020 – 2025 under the Universal Digital Access Pillar.

The Office and the Embassy of the United Kingdom has scheduled one day workshop during which the Draft Strategic Plan will be subjected to stakeholders’ validation as per the requirement of ensuring public participation during development of any policy document.

It is expected that officials from both the Public and the Private Sector will attend the scheduled hybrid workshop and provide valuable inputs to the Strategic Plan whose implementation will determine the policy direction in the regulation of personal data in the Country.

The purpose of this email is, therefore to invite you to the above mentioned workshop scheduled to take place on Wednesday 27th October 2021 in Nairobi, Crowne Plaza Hotel & Resort, Upper Hill Nairobi stating at 8.30am  The event will be officiated by Hon. Joe Mucheru, EGH, Cabinet Secretary, Ministry of ICT, Innovation and Youth Affairs 

Kindly confirm your participation.
Secondly, Due to the Covid 19 Protocols in restricted numbers during meetings and gatherings, we request you to extend the invitation to your members to join us virtually. A link on the same shall be shared with you.  
Thanks and kind Regards.  
Anne Nyokabi Nganga
Office of the Data Protection Commissioner
P. O Box 30920-00100, Nairobi
Communication Authority Ground Floor - Waiyaki Way

Grace Githaiga
KICTANet Convenor

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