The new amendments to KICA proposed by Hon. Elisha Odhiambo, MP, published on March 15th, 2019, seeks to add a new section 34A on the compensation of telecommunications consumers for call drops.
34A. (1) A licensee is liable to credit a consumer who initiates a call that gets cut out after a connection by Kenya Shillings ten worth of airtime for each call drop within its network for a maximum of three call drops per day
(2) A licensee shall not be liable to compensate a consumer, where a call gets cut out due to third party interference on the licensee's connection lines, inevitable accident or force majeure.
The rationale of the bill is to make provisions for quality of service to consumers making calls by compelling licensees in the telecommunications industry to invest in infrastructure that will guarantee the quality of service for consumers making calls.
What are your thoughts on this new amendment? Is it adequate? Does KICA cover all other telecommunications service consumers?
Warm Regards
Mwendwa Kivuva,