What are the charges for cartoon animation
2D and 3D Animation Self-Paced Video Courses for Creatives COURSE TITLE DURATION 1 Blender for Beginners 7 hours 36 mins 2 Creative 3D Animation in Blender 2 hours 40 mins 3 Introduction to 3D Design and Modeling with Blender 2 hours 40 mins 4 Animating 3D Cartoon Characters in Blender 8 hours 5 3D Character Creation in Blender 3 hours 40 mins 6 Introduction to Toon Boom Harmony 4 hours 30 mins 7 Fundamentals of Animation in After Effects 3 hours 8 Introduction to Design of Characters for Animation and Video Games 5 hours 15 mins 9 Advanced After Effects 17 hours 15 mins 10 Introduction to Unity for 2D Video Games 10 hours 15 mins 11 Title Sequence Animation in After Effects 3 hours 25 mins 12 Introduction to VFX in Maya and After Effects 7 hours 5 mins 13 Introduction to Cinema 4D 9 hours 14 Visual Effects for Cinema in NukeX 12 hours 15 Character Animation and Expression with Maya 4 hours 16 VFX & Finishing for commercial & short form content 3 hours 45 mins 17 3D Character Design: From Drawing to Modeling 4 hours 40 mins 18 Mixed Media Animation in Procreate 8 hours Excellent Courses for Creatives interested in Self-Employment, Entreprenuership & Online Gigs Earn $$$$ from Online Gigs on Fiverr, Upwork, Freelancer TO ENROLL - TEL/WHATSAPP +254790913716 Email innocent@tusome.digital
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