Please read Khaled Fattal’s honourable
submission at
and see what an important and disturbing development the “final”
new gTLD Draft Applicant Guidebook gives us. I must admit that
while I was bogged down to the ccNSO and its council’s business
in Cartagena, this important matter escaped my attention.
What is Africa’s response to the DAG full
granting the US government a right to screen new gTLD applicants
against the US (probably more supreme) laws? I really think we
can expect non-US people starting to push for alternative DNS
root seeing the current DNS is US’ and US’ alone! So if you’re
not a US applicant and are from a country the US government
considers to be terrorist, then forget about getting your new
gTLD! This is what this exactly mean,
While I’ve been usually reserved regarding
the ITU advances towards the DNS, if ICANN continues to be a US
govt entity as it is doing right now (even when ICANN is
supposed to move away from this reality through the
Affirmation), then who can blame the ITU or even other “Internet
rebels” (or should we not call them “Internet freedom fighters”)
who have come up with alternative DNSes!
I hope subscribers to this list will make
their governments aware of this important matter (I believe some
already have done so) and that our governments and the AU will
not disappoint in withstanding the US monopoly of the currently
dominant DNS. It must be fair to expect African governments to
express their position even before the ICANN board meets GAC in
February 2011.
And I hope we won’t hear another view that
ICANN needs to first build our capacity before we can respond to
this straight-forward nonsense from the ICANN DAG.
Vika Mpisane
+27 11 275 0082