I'm sorry but I must bring this up here as there was a recent discussion involving COFEK. Today I saw COFEK on social media calling consumers to join them in a protest outside Govt printerr office. I followed the link indicated in their post to find out what the fuss was about and found this: * The Consumers Federation of Kenya (Cofek) is concerned at the poor performance by the office of the Government Printer headed by Mr Andrew Rukaria (pictured). Since assent of the Consumer Protection Act on December 13, 2012 the Government Printer's office has been giving endless excuses from backlog to lack of films and other materials. Meanwhile the Act remains unpublished and it cannot be operationalized as a result. Our numerous calls and letters have only yielded in unfulfilled and indefinite pledges of printing the same. Mr Rukaria has also taken to avoiding our calls.
From the foregoing, we hereby demand for his voluntary resignation within seven days. Failure to do so, Cofek will simultaneously seek for judicial intervention.
Cofek, will after this ultimatum, mobilize consumers to physically eject him from his office for his consistently poor and unacceptable performance. *What I don't understand is: 1. Since when was it that an Act cannot be operationalized simply because it hasn't been printed by Govt printers? 2. Isn't there an electronic version of this Act that can be used/referred to in case of legal issues/action? 3. Is there anything stopping COFEK from printing their own copies of the Act? (If they need it so badly) Please enlighten me? Mblayo