A very informative RFC especially in our context. It addresses use of various technologies for blocking and filtering communications over the Internet. Among other things considered are user consent when employing blocking/filtering, who sets blocking policy? who enforces blocking policy? Some purposes of blocking, efficacy of the methods as well as consequences. 
Some takeaways are that we are going to see more blocking/filtering but it would help if there was more transparency. ​And as regards content blocking, a collaborative approach is required. ​

"where filtering is occurring to address content that is generally agreed to be inappropriate or illegal, strong cooperation among service providers and governments may provide additional means to identify both the victims and the perpetrators through non-filtering mechanisms, such as partnerships with the finance industry to identify and limit illegal transactions."


Grace L.N. Mutung'u
Nairobi Kenya
Skype: gracebomu
Twitter: @Bomu


PGP ID : 0x33A3450F