This is an interesting development - I was seconded last year to CA during the Ted Cruz campaign and later during Donald's Trump campaign. And you are right - however it's not only an issue of data present ( which I am not sure it exists) but data collected was real-time and decisions made real time. That type of ecosystem is not easy to create - however am sure they will take the money and run. Yes irony of ironies even CA's data showed DT was going to loose - Regards, Eric Sent from my iPhone
On 10 May 2017, at 10:29, Grace Mutung'u via kictanet <> wrote:
Jubilee has contracted the services of global data mining company Cambridge Analytica in the run-up to the August presidential election.
Do we really have that much data in Kenya for the kind of data mining that Cambridge Analytica allegedly carries out? Interesting times....
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