Thanks Mike, this is very useful.


From: Mike Theuri <>
Cc: KICTAnet ICT Policy Discussions <>
Sent: Tue, February 22, 2011 6:06:54 AM
Subject: Re: [kictanet] Day 7: SECTION 14: STAFF TO THE COMMISSION

14(2) could have a number of approaches by complying with existing law or also adopting an internal policy or both:

The Commission shall establish and adhere to an equal employment opportunity policy and/or shall comply with equal employment opportunity laws that prohibit among other practices, discrimination in the consideration of employment on the basis of colour, race, national or geographic origin, physical or mental handicap, gender, sex, ethnicity, religion, marital status, age for the purposes of employment. The Commission shall make reasonable accommodations for qualified staff members or employment candidates who may have a physical or mental handicap that would be a hindrance to job performance in the absence of these accommodations to allow them to carry out their respective employment duties.

On Mon, Feb 21, 2011 at 8:45 PM, Catherine Adeya <> wrote:

Dear Kictanet List Members,

Muriuki, Walu, Matunda, GG, Barrack, Vitalis, Kerubo.....thank you for your contributions these last two days. I believe others are gearing up for this last week of discussions. Day 5 and 6 have had very similar summaries and as such I do not want to be repetitive. Therefore, I will keep this short. Today we begin the discussion on:



14(1)(a) The Commission shall appoint a Director-General.

14 (2) Shall appoint staff by ensuring equal opportunity employment practices and represents cross-section of population in Kenya

Question: Your thoughts on this? Would you like to see more clarity on gender issues, people with disabilities etc. please clarify and elaborate.

I look forward to reading your contributions.



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