
I have never doubted the importance of a free market economy, Pesapal would be dead meat if it was not important...Am just asking to learn from my own student Liko :-)

That is the beauty of being in Academia - always wanting to learn form the old students in order to teach better the next generation of students.


From: Emmanuel Khisa <>
To: Walubengo J <>
Cc:; KICTAnet ICT Policy Discussions <>
Sent: Tuesday, February 12, 2013 12:13 PM
Subject: Re: [kictanet] Paypal Value Proposition?


When you go into real will immediately realise the critical aggregator role that Liko and the kopo kopo teams play.

Pesapal and Jambopay by Webtribe plays a critical aggregator function in the ecosystem without which there would have to be a real delay in executing Mobile Money system integrations with Biller platforms.

A caveat, I donot hold forte for Liko and so am sure he can provide you a glitsy biz case.

On Tue, Feb 12, 2013 at 11:46 AM, Walubengo J <> wrote:
Hey Liko,

Am not quite getting the reason why i should use Pesapal.  Put differently, if I already have MPESA and can pay my school fees, water, electricity bills etc directly from MPESA why then should I use Pesapal? 

I seem to be missing something, what exactly is the value proposition here?


From: Odhiambo Washington <>
Cc: KICTAnet ICT Policy Discussions <>
Sent: Monday, February 11, 2013 7:20 PM
Subject: Re: [kictanet] COFEK: Formalin in Milk


On 11 February 2013 16:45, Dennis Kioko <> wrote:
I don't see why COFEK is being lambasted here, yet they play critical roles in ensuring that poor consumers have access to actual Unlimited 3G from Orange and have ensured that the price of decoders is now affordable, a pressing issue for many in Kibera. 

As to those unsure about the pesticide content of their veges, and use of formalin in milk, I suggest we conduct a simple test, where we ill obtain fresh milk, and a number of samples from retailers. We shall then proceed to store the samples in identical conditions and note which ones go bad in "normal" time and which ones take an eternity to go bad.

A brand that outperforms other "fresh milk" by not going bad under standard environmental conditions should then leave us very worried. 

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