Dear Listers,
As we discuss this important subject please review the following documents:

1.Public Archives and Documentation Service Act (Cap 19,Laws of Kenya)
2.The Kenya National Archives and Documentation Service.
3. The role of the Public Archives Advisory Council.
4. The Statistics Act 2006
5. The Government Code of Regulations(Revision 1992) giving guidelines on the publication of documents.
6. The Manual on records management issued to all government departments by the Kenya National Archives and Documentation Service.
7. The Records Disposal Act(Cap 14,Laws of Kenya).

There may be other relevant documents such as the Government Financial Regulations regarding the management of accounts documents, Registered Land Act (Cap 300) regarding land records and even others regarding disposal of personnel records.

Best wishes,

John Kariuki

From: Grace Githaiga <>
Cc: KICTAnet ICT Policy Discussions <>
Sent: Monday, 12 September 2011, 0:46
Subject: [kictanet] Day 1: e-Discussion on Aligning records management with ICT e-government and Freedom of Information in East Africa

Dear Listers
Further to last week's announcement, today we commence the  e-discussion  on Aligning records management with ICT e-government and Freedom of Information in East Africa, a study conducted by International Records Management Trust (IRMT) and supported by IDRC . The study covered five Eastern African Countries namely Kenya, Rwanda, Uganda, Burundi and Tanzania (findings attached).
For today, tomorrow and Wednesday, we will focus at issues of Planning for Records Management Requirements in ICT systems.

Three main concerns are identified under this theme. And today, we focus on the first concern namely:  Lack of planning for records management requirements in ICT systems.
To guide in our thoughts on this concern, lets consider the following: 
·         Is there an effective policy/plan for records management requirements in ICT systems in governments?
·         What systems if any are used by governments for records management?
·         Is there a body/institution tasked with ICT record management for governments?
Today’s Question
How can governments address this problem of Lack of planning for records management requirements in ICT systems?
 We look forward to hearing from listers from all the five countries.
Have a great monday.

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