From: waudo siganga <>
To: muoki <>
Cc: KICTAnet ICT Policy Discussions
Sent: Thursday, August 27, 2009 6:03:34 PM
Subject: Re: [kictanet] Affordable computers
Evans - I share ur concern. These things should be done in consultation
with those affected rather than just being directives.
On Thu, 27 Aug 2009 06:56 -0400, "Evans Ikua" <> wrote:
> Dear listers,
> I have reliably learnt that the Uganda Government banned he
> importation of used computers in that country in the last budget.
> Then I remember that the PS, Dr Ndemo, said that the reason why we are
> paying 25% duty on used computers in Kenya is because there is an East
> African protocol that demands that used computers must be taxed.
> I also remember that the PS has in various fora indicated that its in
> the best interest of his Ministry and the country to put as much
> hardware in the hands of the people as possible.
> Having observed in the past that this 25% duty on used computers runs
> counter to OUR strategy to become an ICT powerhouse globally, its now
> clear that we must break from any agreements that we have with our
> neighbours that do not tie in with our own strategies. For instance,
> if Uganda bans used computers, will we be bound to follow suit? What
> if they don't have similar strategies or objectives and they don't
> care about having their citizens access computers?.
> Haven't we already done this as far as used motor vehicles are
> concerned? whereas our neighbours have an age limit of 10 years, we
> have stuck to our 8 years and the community is still strong.
> --
> Evans Ikua,
> Chairman,
> Linux Professional Association of Kenya
> Tel: +254-20-2250381, Cell: +254-722 955
> Eagle House, 2nd Floor
> Kimathi Street, Opp. Corner House
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