What is affordable might not always be sustainable. The government should work on ways of slashing prices for new hardware instead of encouraging dumping of used PCs in our schools. Its unfortunate that third world countries have been used as dumping sites for obsolete technologies.

From: waudo siganga <emailsignet@mailcan.com>
To: muoki <muokis@yahoo.com>
Cc: KICTAnet ICT Policy Discussions <kictanet@lists.kictanet.or.ke>
Sent: Thursday, August 27, 2009 6:03:34 PM
Subject: Re: [kictanet] Affordable computers

Evans - I share ur concern. These things should be done in consultation
with those affected rather than just being directives.

On Thu, 27 Aug 2009 06:56 -0400, "Evans Ikua" <ikua@lpakenya.org> wrote:
> Dear listers,
> I have reliably learnt that the Uganda Government banned he 
> importation of used computers in that country in the last budget.
> Then I remember that the PS, Dr Ndemo, said that the reason why we are 
> paying 25% duty on used computers in Kenya is because there is an East 
> African protocol that demands that used computers must be taxed.
> I also remember that the PS has in various fora indicated that its in 
> the best interest of his Ministry and the country to put as much 
> hardware in the hands of the people as possible.
> Having observed in the past that this 25% duty on used computers runs 
> counter to OUR strategy to become an ICT powerhouse globally, its now 
> clear that we must break from any agreements that we have with our 
> neighbours that do not tie in with our own strategies. For instance, 
> if Uganda bans used computers, will we be bound to follow suit? What 
> if they don't have similar strategies or objectives and they don't 
> care about having their citizens access computers?.
> Haven't we already done this as far as used motor vehicles are 
> concerned? whereas our neighbours have an age limit of 10 years, we 
> have stuck to our 8 years and the community is still strong.
> --
> Evans Ikua,
> Chairman,
> Linux Professional Association of Kenya
> Tel: +254-20-2250381, Cell: +254-722 955 831
> Eagle House, 2nd Floor
> Kimathi Street, Opp. Corner House
> www.lpakenya.org
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