On Fri, Dec 5, 2008 at 7:00 PM, Victor Maloi
<victormaloi3@gmail.com> wrote:
Dear All,
I have searched through the Kenya Gazzette Notice and found out that Brother Brian Longwe has never been appointed to any Board in Kenya. It therefore in order for pests like John Maina alias Oketch, alias Alai and his side kick or are they brothers to apologize.
On the same note Bwana PS if you are listening, please ensure that the next Directorship opening in CCK goes to Brian. He has done us proud. I was in Texas the other day and was saddened to see our educated brothers and contributors to this forum doing menial jobs in the US when this country has created enormous opportunities in the past two years. It is such a shame that we have our sons wasted that way.
Victor Maloi, MBS.
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