Sounds good in theory but in practice our IP landscape is woefully inadequate because it is a copy-paste framework that lacks local context. 1. As a poor country it is a given that most of our Innovators will be starved for (and thus easy to bait with) capital. 2. The lure of easy cash / validation is powerful and irresistible. It short-circuits even the most brilliant minds, causing each participant to individually fantasize that he/she is the "chosen one". Yet even if just 100 submissions are made, your odds of being the chosen one are terrible at 1/100. This is classic *Game Theory* in action where self-interest decisions by individual actors result in a less favourable outcome for all. 3. When you don't have leverage (e.g. something that *only you* can offer) you can't negotiate. No one will sign an NDA with you. I call it pipeline commoditization. If, by applying game theory principles, a healthy flow of unprotected ideas can be guaranteed, why would anyone sign a true NDA with an innovator? Ideas are not "worthless", they are the most crucial ingredient for execution (otherwise why did cash-rich execution King Waymo/Google go after Uber for alleged theft of AV ideas, which they valued at $500M???)! Pipeline commoditization relies on *brainwash* and *capital baiting* to unfairly swings the odds in favor of capital gatekeepers... Come on, play our idea lottery and Win! Win! Win! Are you "the chosen one"? We have "judges" who have never invented/innovated anything, many of whom are career employees with zero startup experience, which makes them PERFECT experts in judging great ideas/startups. These experts will decide who proceeds to level 2. Gamble with us and WIN BIG! We have to shift this model from a gambling / lottery system to a business negotiation system. My next message will have some concrete ideas on how to do this. Patrick. On Tuesday, October 23, 2018, 11:21:16 AM GMT+3, WANGARI KABIRU via kictanet <> wrote: " While strong arguments may be made for the need to create a competitive environment, there is a counter argument that there is need to reward novelty to originators of ideas by granting some sort of protection for innovating. While this makes sense, the truth is that not all original business ideas qualify for intellectual property rights award. It is interesting that business ideas on their own do not qualify for protection. I have set out a few simple steps through which an originator of “business ideas” can guard their idea without necessarily being given intellectual property rights protection. The first is simply being wise and cautious about your dealings with third parties concerning these ideas. Do not disclose this idea to others without being strategic about it. Premature disclosure could lead to its annihilation or theft. In the event you opt to disclose, then ensure that you have signed non-disclosure and confidentiality agreements. Please do consult a lawyer to assist in its preparation and avoid picking template drafts from the internet. Some are irrelevant to the domestic situation and actually accord you no protection. A message said again and again. So what's still missing Be blessed.Regards/Wangari --- Pray God Bless. 2013Wangari circa - "Being of the Light, We are Restored Through Faith in Mind, Body and Spirit; We Manifest The Kingdom of God on Earth". On Monday, 22 October 2018, 00:08:36 GMT+3, Michael Pedersen via kictanet <> wrote: Listers, This is indeed very interesting - however I can't help but wonder how "anchored" this in within the government, anyone know (?) The Open Data project comes to mind as kinda similar project (we will avail what you need - data -> then you will create innovation), however from all I have been able to tell it was and is not very well anchored into the various silos of government - i.e. each institution/ministry was not very interested/motivated in actually availing (let alone updating) data-sets on the portal. Hence I am a little skeptical - lets say you propose a project/concept that involves support from a government arm that is not directly involved in the Whitebox project, how likely is the Whitebox team/organization to actually being able to leverage/convince this 3rd. party government institution to participate in this "new" project that is not in their plans/budget (?) Kind regards Mike On 21/10/2018 13:15, WANGARI KABIRU via kictanet wrote: Changamka with Sunday gifts for innovators..... WhiteBox is an initiative of the Government of Kenya through the Ministry of Information, Communications and Technology and the ICT Authority, geared towards catalyzing the successful growth of local ventures to global, world-class status. The main objective of this initiative is to create a channel for anyone who wants to sell/suggest a product/idea to Government, priority will be given to products that focus on the Big 4 Agenda and address Government priorities and challenges. .... The WhiteBox initiative offers a window into Government wide initiatives; staffed with subject matter Government officers who will offer guidance on the program activities, selection criteria as well as insights into Government programs that the public can leverage on to grow their businesses. We welcome entrepreneurs and businesses at all stages of growth, from ideation to scale and aim to build a collaborative community of entrepreneurs and innovators who will mutually benefit from sharing knowledge and establishing necessary partnerships for success. Be blessed. Regards/Wangari --- Pray God Bless. 2013Wangari circa - "Being of the Light, We are Restored Through Faith in Mind, Body and Spirit; We Manifest The Kingdom of God on Earth". _______________________________________________ kictanet mailing list Twitter: Facebook: Domain Registration sponsored by Unsubscribe or change your options at The Kenya ICT Action Network (KICTANet) is a multi-stakeholder platform for people and institutions interested and involved in ICT policy and regulation. The network aims to act as a catalyst for reform in the ICT sector in support of the national aim of ICT enabled growth and development. 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KICTANetiquette : Adhere to the same standards of acceptable behaviors online that you follow in real life: respect people's times and bandwidth, share knowledge, don't flame or abuse or personalize, respect privacy, do not spam, do not market your wares or qualifications. _______________________________________________ kictanet mailing list Twitter: Facebook: Domain Registration sponsored by Unsubscribe or change your options at The Kenya ICT Action Network (KICTANet) is a multi-stakeholder platform for people and institutions interested and involved in ICT policy and regulation. The network aims to act as a catalyst for reform in the ICT sector in support of the national aim of ICT enabled growth and development. KICTANetiquette : Adhere to the same standards of acceptable behaviors online that you follow in real life: respect people's times and bandwidth, share knowledge, don't flame or abuse or personalize, respect privacy, do not spam, do not market your wares or qualifications.