Here is the response from Kenyans

On Wed, Feb 6, 2013 at 11:36 AM, Mark Mwangi <> wrote:
Instead of complaining and frowning at how much we are being made fun of and forever painting ourselves as victims, Why don't we retaliate? Don't we have kenyan entertainers residing in the US? 

Why not engage them and make a fun video response?  Its never that serious. 

On Wed, Feb 6, 2013 at 11:16 AM, Dennis Kioko <> wrote:
I agree, that those who are doing well tend to be quite oversensitive to humor and come up with racism allegations that are usually non-existent. The comedian here was showing the pettiness in the celebrity tweets, which is well brought out by the guy reading the 50 cent tweet at the end. Should we be happy it was shot in Kenya, with the crew earning us some little forex. 

In comparison, the US also found a VW SuperBowl Ad to be racist to Jamaicans 

Meanwhile, the "offended" Jamaicans wen't ahead and came up with another "VW Ad", making fun at the Germaicans

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Mark Mwangi


Mark Mwangi