Dear Barrack,

Thanks for sharing the link to the webinar report.

Best Regards,

Martin Mavenjina

Program Advisor - Transitional Justice | KENYA HUMAN RIGHTS COMMISSION

Opp. Valley Arcade, Gitanga Road, P.O Box 41079, 00100 GPO, Nairobi, Kenya.

Tel. +254 722 264497 Personal Cell: +254704450288

Email:  | Web: Kenya Human Rights Commission |

Twitter - @martinmavenjina    Skype: martinrayt

On Tue, May 19, 2020 at 9:37 PM Barrack Otieno via kictanet <> wrote:

To access the KICTAnet and Huawei 5 G Webinar report and presentations click on this link.

Many thanks to everyone who participated in the Webinar.

Best Regards

Barrack Otieno
Kenya ICT Action Network (KICTAnet)
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