Wololo...!!! This thing looks tricky. The T&C's (which are contractually binding - and which many will click-thru without reading) appear to contradict the sweet assurances given in the FAQ.
Suggested solution: The FAQ answers should be aligned with (and be incorporated in) the T&Cs to avoid confusion or contradictions. The T&C is mostly a disclaimer absolving Gov from any responsibility (yet its a Gov initiative!) and that is not very encouraging. Government has the ability (and ought) to commit itself and get in with both feet in order to show full backing of Kenyan innovators.
Rationale: This is a Government led initiative (so why adopt a half-hearted, uncommitted approach that could leave our innovators exposed to IP misappropriation by third parties? I fear that many people will read the FAQs and submit unstrategically, thinking that the GoK has their back 100%, only to be shocked later on if things go south thanks to a greedy "partner". These are the realities innovators face every day so if Gov can't commit, where is the confidence?).
[this answer appears misaligned with T&Cs. Why wont Government commit to protecting indigenous innovators - many of whom don't know how to protect their innovations, or lack adequate funding to do so properly, if it truly realizes the strategic value and wants to be a national connector?]
"Growth, development and transformation of local innovations and ventures into viable sustainable business enterprises has continually been stifled by lack of capital, limited expert guidance and poor access to markets. By aggregating stakeholders and relevant partners, the Whitebox will be a national connector for local ventures to access funds, capacity building and access to market opportunities.
Whitebox is intended to facilitate the introduction of local ventures to government ministries, departments, agencies, counties and the private sector to promote local co-innovation and adoption of local content in the spirit of ‘Buy Kenya, Build Kenya’.
[doublespeak alert] "Yes. We strongly encourage you to date all your submissions. We keep a log of the date, time and manner of all submissions to the WhiteBox in order to track precedence. If not yet acquired a patent, please talk to us on how to apply for one the Whitebox secretariat will provide guidance on the process. However, to safeguard your Intellectual Property rights, we advise that you contact an Intellectual Property professional before submission. If you do not have a patent or have not applied for one yet, you should not disclose any information that may infringe on your ability to subsequently file patents." [started with "yes", then ended with "no". so which is it?]
"Our rigorous process identifies issues and actively manages any potential conflicts arising. We operate on the strict principle of confidentiality and precedence. We consider first person to articulate, describe and reduce to practice an idea as the Intellectual Property Owner. We define simultaneity of delivery of a concept as being within 6 hours of each other - in which case we consider simultaneously delivered ideas to be co-owned. This is still a matter under consideration and your views will be carefully considered. The Whitebox, it’s officials and associates undertakes NOT to independently develop, implement or execute on any idea submitted to it - we operate under the principles of utmost good faith and probity." [Is Whitebox an entity such that it can make an undertaking or is it the ICT Ministry doing so? These "officials" and "associates" - as well as "partners", should be defined in the T&Cs. Who is included in this and who is not?]
Any other interesting observations?