Program Title: Kenyan ICT Bill Analysis -Online Edition Outline Description The Kenyan Government has published a draft Information and Communication Bill (2006) and has invited comments on the same. Kenya ICT Action Network (KICTANet) is a multi-stakeholder forum that aims to enhance collaboration between various Government, Private Sector, Civil Society, Academia and others interested in harnessing ICT for development. Diplo Foundation (Diplo) is an International organisation promoting global discussions on Internet Governance. Program Setting & Description: The draft Info and Communication Bill (the Bill) has the following major categories: i) Broadcasting & Media ii) Information Technology iii) Telecommunication & Radio iv) Postal v) Academia & Socio-Cultural (implied within text) A selected group of five participants per category are expected to analyse the Bill over a period of four weeks and submit their findings for subsequent consideration within the Bill. Program Design (Data Collection, Data Processing) Data Collection: Using various Online Tools, Information regarding the Bill will be generated by participants who will be following certain weekly tasks/activities. Typically, the following Online tools shall be used to complete these tasks: 1) eClassRoom Outline: Which is an electronic WhiteBoard, hosting the Bill categorised by the above five themes. Participants would review this online content and make online comments which in turn can be reviewed further by their peers. 2) eForum Discussions: Which shall be used for 'eBrainstorming' purposes on specific issues that may arise from the ClassRoom, Blog, or Chat environments 3) Online Chats: On a weekly basis, participants shall meet online to further brainstorm on the Bill in a real-time environment. 4) Blog: The open-space in the classroom, shall act as a general notice-board for various issues from the Moderator and Participants. 5) eMail: The most widely used tool shall be available to ensure that all participants are kept up-to-date with the all events within the portal Data Processing: Each of the various Online activities shall be guided and moderated with a view to stimulate quality collaborations and contributions from the participants. Their online contributions will automatically be stored by the Online Portal. More specifically, these contributions shall be eventually summarised into specific Action-items within the Bill in terms of Additions, Modification and/or Deletion of the various Clauses in the Bill. Aim: To use Online Collaboration tools as a means of efficiently acquiring, storing and disseminating Kenya ICT Bill knowledge. Objectives 1. To Review a selected set of ICT Bills, Acts, Conventions across the world 2. To compare and contrast the above with the Kenya ICT Bill (2006) 3. To identify and list the possible gaps, amendments and additions within the Kenya ICT Bill (2006) Main Outcomes/Deliverables 1. Participants contributions as captured and stored within the Online Environment/Tool 2. Summarised ICT Bill contributions in terms of Action-Items (add, amend, delete) 3. Presentation at the National ICT Bill Workshop Tools Diplo Online Collaboration Tools(Online Classroom, Blog, eDiscussions, Chats, etc) Resources. Participants Diplo Online Collaboration Tools Internet Kenya Info & Communication Bill (2006) Kenya ICT Policy (2005) Various global ICT Policies, Bills and Acts.