*A courteos response by the attendant to an aggrevated concerned client.

Highlights how interlinked people are as FinTech becomes more entrenched.

For a business, this is a relatively sure way to repayments. As the client interactions/contacts also become by default payers. An extension of SACCO system which makes it one of the safest lending models.

How far might a customer be liable to the debts of the Supermarket they shop at? How much information about the Supermarket's debt profile would be at any customers reach.

Now that the favorite Mama Mboga is paid him mobile money also, then millions of Kenyans would be caught up in this. Paying off her debts as they just click twendelee... yes, yes, yes to the T&R.

So who says that it is wrong, illegal? Or why?

While in the sensation, most stones and spears may be thrown at the service provider, it's high time the consumer groups wear their hat as neutrals for a sober guide.

Kindly, might the Consumer lobby enlighten on this. 

*(Whether the case is true or not partly true or very true - it would still be good to know whether this is a model to watch out for or even borrow from).

Blessed new week!

Be blessed.