
When in DFiD we actually funded an e-readiness report that contibuted to the govt's ehealth strategy and that surveyed the main public health institutions e-readines. The situation was not great. Let me try and dig up the report that was done.


On 15 Sep 2011 12:10, "warigia bowman" <warigia@aucegypt.edu> wrote:
> I would say electricity first for stuff like IV tubes, and surgical supplies
> with intent to upgrade to solar, which could also help run ICT systems.
> wmb
> On Thu, Sep 15, 2011 at 11:59 AM, S.M. Muraya <murigi.muraya@gmail.com>wrote:
>> Solar equipment? Or (more affordable) Electricity first?
>> :)
>> On Thu, Sep 15, 2011 at 11:57 AM, warigia bowman <warigia@aucegypt.edu>wrote:
>>> Yes, all interesting topics. Now if we can just get basic health equipment
>>> into the clinics . . . .
>>> On Thu, Sep 15, 2011 at 11:45 AM, S.M. Muraya <murigi.muraya@gmail.com>wrote:
>>>> One more issue you could research (in future)..
>>>> About: Health clinics without electricity especially in rural areas..
>>>> Do they have (solar) computers / health equipment working at night?
>>>> How accessible are technicians to service equipment in out of the way
>>>> places?
>>>> Can county governments / assemblies enable technicians to access out of
>>>> the way health clinics via Central Government security services (police /
>>>> military)?
>>>> On Thu, Sep 15, 2011 at 11:09 AM, warigia bowman <warigia@aucegypt.edu>wrote:
>>>>> Dear Muraya
>>>>> Yes, KNH is a good example of ICT in health. I think in a rural area one
>>>>> working computer that actually functions would count.
>>>>> Rigia
>>>>> On Thu, Sep 15, 2011 at 9:42 AM, S.M. Muraya <murigi.muraya@gmail.com>wrote:
>>>>>> Warigia,
>>>>>> Does the Kenyatta National Hospital fall in the category you are
>>>>>> looking at?
>>>>>> Can you be more specific about what you mean by ICT systems in place?
>>>>>> Some may be afraid of an IT audit.
>>>>>> A health facility with only one computer but no wi-fi or ethernet
>>>>>> network may not feel confident, capable or obliged to speak about their IT
>>>>>> system. This even though one computer storing health records and sending
>>>>>> e-mails to the Ministry of Health does qualify as an IT system. Yes? No?
>>>>>> Not to forget, politics (fear of victimization) could keep you from
>>>>>> getting a response.
>>>>>> Otherwise keep up the good work. Every issue we objectively talk about
>>>>>> in a democratic society improves when it is brought to the light..
>>>>>> On Wed, Sep 14, 2011 at 5:10 PM, warigia bowman <warigia@aucegypt.edu>wrote:
>>>>>>> Dear colleagues
>>>>>>> I have sent a formal message to the ICt Board, but could anyone with
>>>>>>> information on Kenyan Government sponsored health facilities using ICT write
>>>>>>> back to the list?
>>>>>>> I am looking for any government sponsored public health facility in
>>>>>>> Kenya with ICT systems in place. In place right now. Not planned or
>>>>>>> suggested, or theorize.
>>>>>>> many thanks.
>>>>>>> Sincerely, Rigia
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