---------- Forwarded message ------- mobileGov World Summit and Global mobileGov Awards 2017 7-9 May, 2017 - Brighton UK ------------------------------------------------ This year at the mobileGov World Summit, leading government leaders of eGovernment / mGovernment from Asia, EU and Americas are presenting their achievements and experiences in applying mobile technologies in the public sector domain. mobileGov World summit is also a platform for the Mobile Industry to showcase and exhibit their solutions for the public sector organisations. The updated program can be accessed here: http://www.m4life.org/conferences/mgovsummit2016/program/ and the registration to the Summit is open. Please note that members of the mobileGov and professionals from the non-profit organisations receive significant discounts on registration fees. PROGRAM HIGHLIGHTS: ----------------------------------------------- The participants are a mix of high profile public sector officials representing their country's mobile government and leading business partners that actively support mobile government developments internationally through their solutions. At the Summit, Global mGov Awards is also one of the highlights of the mobileGov World Summit that is being held in Brighton . Global mGov Awards is a worldwide contest aiming to promote advances in the field, and track advances in various countries on recent developments. Several important candidates are among the contesters from all parts of the World including S. America, Europe, and Asia. Leading mGovernment implementations by public sector organisations as well as solutions for the public sector by the industry will be awarded during the event in order to inspire governments, businesses and citizens. In order to access the info on confirmed speakers, current agenda, programme highlights, registrations, exhibiting and sponsorship opportunities, please refer to conference website: www.m4life.org and show interest. Also consider subscribing to mobileGov discussion list (over 4000 professionals interested in various aspects of mobile technologies and public sector IT) here: http://archives.simplelists.com/subscribe/mobilegov Please feel free to forward this email to those who may be interested. regards Kushchu, Chair ---------------------------------- mLife Conferences and Exhibitions Suite 10 42 Brunswick Terrace Bn3 1HA Brighton UK +44 7740143135 (Conference) +90 5358778986 (Venue & Logistics) conf@m4life.org ==================== < https://ci6.googleusercontent.com/proxy/-IvfHsLZeY9-QEDFFrEn-kCO1NUTgntoYjKU...
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Announcement in Mobile Government New Program Posted and The Registrations are open for the mobileGov World Summit and Global mobileGov Awards 2017 < https://ci6.googleusercontent.com/proxy/jFjk64T_wL1KKvxfCP8SztUJBhRb-jAiPnFv...
Ibrahim Kushchu Mobile Government, Management Consulting for Public and Private Sector Organizations in the Mobile Value Chain mobileGov World Summit and Global mobileGov Awards 2017 7-9 May, 2017 - Brighton UK ------------------------------------------------ This year at the mobileGov World Summit, leading government leaders of eGovernment / mGovernment from Asia, EU and Americas are presenting their achievements and experiences in applying mobile technologies in the public sector domain. mobileGov World summit is also a platform for the Mobile Industry to showcase and exhibit their solutions for the public sector organisations. The updated program can be accessed here: http://www.m4life.org/conferences/mgovsummit2016/program/ and the registration to the Summit is open. Please note that members of the mobileGov and professionals from the non-profit organisations receive significant discounts on registration fees. PROGRAM HIGHLIGHTS: ----------------------------------------------- The participants are a mix of high profile public sector officials representing their country's mobile government and leading business partners that actively support mobile government developments internationally through their solutions. At the Summit, Global mGov Awards is also one of the highlights of the mobileGov World Summit that is being held in Brighton . Global mGov Awards is a worldwide contest aiming to promote advances in the field, and track advances in various countries on recent developments. Several important candidates are among the contesters from all parts of the World including S. America, Europe, and Asia. Leading mGovernment implementations by public sector organisations as well as solutions for the public sector by the industry will be awarded during the event in order to inspire governments, businesses and citizens. In order to access the info on confirmed speakers, current agenda, programme highlights, registrations, exhibiting and sponsorship opportunities, please refer to conference website: www.m4life.org and show interest. Also consider subscribing to mobileGov discussion list (over 4000 professionals interested in various aspects of mobile technologies and public sector IT) here: http://archives.simplelists.com/subscribe/mobilegov Please feel free to forward this email to those who may be interested. regards Kushchu, Chair ---------------------------------- mLife Conferences and Exhibitions Suite 10 42 Brunswick Terrace Bn3 1HA Brighton UK +44 7740143135 (Conference) +90 5358778986 (Venue & Logistics) conf@m4life.org ==================== Respond Now View © 2017 LinkedIn Ireland Unlimited Company. LinkedIn, the LinkedIn logo, and InMail are registered trademarks of LinkedIn Corporation in the United States and/or other countries. All rights reserved. Don't want to hear from the manager? Unsubscribe here This email was intended for Wainaina Mungai (ICT Consultant, Board Member, Chairman). Learn why we included this. If you need assistance or have questions, please contact LinkedIn Customer Service. LinkedIn is a registered business name of LinkedIn Ireland Unlimited Company. Registered in Ireland as a private unlimited company, Company Number 477441 Registered Office: Wilton Plaza, Wilton Place, Dublin 2, Ireland < https://ci3.googleusercontent.com/proxy/Gjec6W5G9327NgNWYtb1JROKePTz9ZPSlPNe...
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