Most honest line I have heard in a long time:
"On fake news I think it's pretty sanctimonious of us to assume people are idiots and don't know that they are reading fake news.”
I don’t think there is an algorithm for that - yet.
Feedly as an aggregator is great. I was toying with the idea of ‘peeping’ into other people’s feeds so that if you have aggregated news on tech, hate speech, Kenya… and I am a Burkinabe who would want to know what is happening in Kenya on hate speech, I can ‘peep’ into your feed and get authentic verified news from the source.
Most RSS feeds don’t have this feature and I think it is what ‘follow’ / ‘like’ concepts on most Social Media platforms work on.
On fake news I think it's pretty sanctimonious of us to assume people are idiots and don't know that they are reading fake news.