Liz, Bomu, 

Good to see some more research being undertaken around the issue! Penned this last week, based on the latest survey on privacy perceptions that I could find: 

On 4 Apr 2016, at 15:24, wrote:

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When replying, please edit your Subject line so it is more specific
than "Re: Contents of kictanet digest..."

Today's Topics:

  1. The future of telecommunications and why its here
     (Ahmed Mohamed Maawy)
  2. Fwd: [Members] Fwd: [AfrICANN-discuss] FIRE Grants announce
     (Judy Okite)
  3. Privacy in the digital age (Liz Orembo)
  4. Ethiopia and the Technical Control of OTTs (Mose Karanja)


Message: 1
Date: Mon, 4 Apr 2016 10:12:43 +0300
From: Ahmed Mohamed Maawy <>
To: Kictanet - Main <>
Subject: [kictanet] The future of telecommunications and why its here
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="utf-8"


Recently we have had been talks about the implications of OTA and I had the
opinion that OTA can not be a trend that can be rid of. I have put in an
article to talk about this in more depth covering why the future of
telecommunications is already here and why telcos need to pay more
attention, instead:

*Ahmed Maawy*
Executive Director - SwahiliBox / M-Power (CBO)
Ambassador - Open Knowledge
Director - Startup Grind Mombasa
Software Developer - AJ+ / EveryLayer
(KE) +254 714 960 627
Skype: ultimateprogramer <>
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Message: 2
Date: Mon, 4 Apr 2016 13:01:27 +0300
From: Judy Okite <>
To: KICTAnet ICT Policy Discussions <>
Cc: Skunkworks forum <>
Subject: [kictanet] Fwd: [Members] Fwd: [AfrICANN-discuss] FIRE Grants
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="utf-8"

For your information and action ...

From: "AFRINIC Communication" <>
Date: 1 Apr 2016 17:57
Subject: [AfrICANN-discuss] FIRE Grants announce
To: <>, <>

[Version Fran?aise]

Dear Colleagues,

We are proudly announcing the call for applications for the 2016 FIRE

The Fund for Internet Research and Education (FIRE Africa) is a venture
between AFRINIC, The Internet Society (ISOC) and the International
Development Research Center (IDRC) that supports projects that use ICT to
develop innovative solutions to Africa's unique education, access,
information, infrastructure and communication needs.

This year, the available types of Grants are:

*-The FIRE Africa Grants *will provide four Grants of up to US$25,000 each
for projects aligned with one of the following categories:

  - Technical Innovation
  - Community Development
  - Governance Enhancement
  - Education

*-The Internet Society Africa Grant* will provide two Grants of US$ 25,000 each
for two projects that focus on one of the two categories:

  -  Internet Security (including collaborative security)
  - Access Provision

*-The FIRE Africa Scale-Up Grants *will provide three Grants of up to US$
30,000 each for three existing projects to scale up activities and move to
the next level of their cycle.Projects must be aligned with one of the
following categories:

  - Technical Innovation
  - Community Development
  - Governance Enhancement
  - Education

The application deadline for the 2016 Awards has been set for 31 May 2016,
23:59 UTC.

For detailed information about competition categories, conditions of entry,
and submission procedures, please visit *
<> *or send us an email at: *

Please follow us @FIREAfrica


Chers Coll?gues

Nous avons l'honneur d'annoncer l'appel ? candidatures pour les subventions
FIRE 2016.

Le Fond pour la recherche sur Internet et l'?ducation (FIRE) est une
collaboration entre AFRINIC, ISOC et IDRC pour soutenir les projets qui
utilisent les TIC pour d?velopper des solutions innovantes aux besoins
uniques de l'?ducation, l'acc?s, l'information, des infrastructures et de
la communication en Afrique.

Cette ann?e, les types de subventions disponibles sont:

*-Les Subventions Afrique FIRE* fournira quatre subventions allant jusqu'?
25.000 $ chacun pour les projets align?s sur l'une des cat?gories suivantes:

  - Innovation technique
  - D?veloppement communautaire
  - Appui a la Gouvernance
  - ?ducation

-*Les subventions Internet Society Afrique *fournira deux subventions de
25.000 $ chacun pour deux projets qui mettent l'accent sur l'une des deux

  -  Internet Security (y compris la s?curit? collaborative)
  - Innovation en mati?re d'acc?s

*-Les  Subventions  Scale-up FIRE* fournira trois subventions allant
jusqu'? 30.000 $ chacun pour trois projets existants pour intensifier les
activit?s et passer ? la prochaine ?tape de leurs cycle.Projects doit ?tre
align? avec l'une des cat?gories suivantes:

  - Innovation technique
  - D?veloppement communautaire
  - Appui a la gouvernance
  - ?ducation

La date limite d'inscription pour les 2016 prix a ?t? fix?e au 31 mai 2016,
23:59 UTC.

Pour plus d'informations sur les cat?gories de la concurrence, les
conditions d'entr?e et les proc?dures de soumission, s'il vous pla?t
visitez ou envoyez-nous un courriel ?:

Veuillez nous suivre sur Twitter @FIREAfrica

AfrICANN mailing list
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Message: 3
Date: Mon, 4 Apr 2016 15:13:41 +0300
From: Liz Orembo <>
To: KICTAnet ICT Policy Discussions <>,
ISOC Kenya Chapter <>
Subject: [kictanet] Privacy in the digital age
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="utf-8"

Good afternoon listers,

This week, Grace Bomu and I will be seeking your input on digital privacy
policies through a 3 days structured discussions on this list. The topics
will include:

1. Surveillance

2. Commercial threats to privacy

3.Technical standards and privacy

Your input will be part of a research on digital privacy attitudes and
perceptions being undertaken by article 19 East Africa. Some of you have
already filled out a short survey on this, if you haven?t come across it,
please find it on the link below,



PGP ID: 0x1F3488BF
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Message: 4
Date: Mon, 4 Apr 2016 15:15:06 +0300
From: Mose Karanja <>
To: KICTAnet ICT Policy Discussions <>
Subject: [kictanet] Ethiopia and the Technical Control of OTTs
Message-ID: <>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="utf-8"


Ethiopia?s only telco, Ethiotel, has announced it will be charging for VOIP services considering they are loosing revenue to the Vibers and WhatsApps of these world.
They floated a Request for Information on the supply of Policy and Charging Control (PCC) and Deep Packet Inspection (DPI) mid last year: <>

It seems the set up is complete and they will go ahead with implementation ( <>).  There have been network disruptions since last week on VOIP apps and some basic probes I did pointed to IP address blocking but whatever it is they are doing notwithstanding, this raises some issues here.

The fight back from telcos against OTTs in the name of revenue/tax/infrastructure costs seems to have moved beyond policy. Technical capacity implies that debate is closed on their end. Ethiotel is a special case considering it is fully owned by the government and it is the only telco in Africa?s second most populous country (around 95Million people). It is easier for them to make decisions. For countries with more liberalised markets, and where government is a regulator not a service provider, could it be that the only impediment to adopting such technical capacities is government regulation and oversight? Could it be that Kenyans, for example, are charged to use WhatsApp but at a very negligible fee that no one notices?

This moves beyond the market - it is a human rights issue. Consumers should not be punished for adopting innovations.


Moses Karanja | @Mose_Karanja <> | PGP: 0x1529552F <>

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End of kictanet Digest, Vol 107, Issue 7

Nanjira Sambuli
Research Lead

 | Research | UXLab | Consulting
Mobile: +254722481566
Skype: nanjirasambuli | Twitter: @NiNanjira