On 10/25/06, waudo@signet.co.ke <waudo@signet.co.ke> wrote:
there is very little linkage between what the ICT training institutions (including Universities) are producing and the requirements of the industry either now or in the foreseeable future.
Check out www.jkuategovacademy.ac.ke to see how PPPs are trying to address this linkage. The JKUAT Academy is the only one that has developed its curriculum based on actual Govt environment and in line with the E-Govt Strategy paper. PS. Sorry, I could not resist the marketing opportunity offered by this discussion. -- With Kind Regards, Bildad Kagai MD - Circuits & Packets Communications Ltd Content & Training Partner - JKUAT E-Government Academy Suite B2, Tetu Apartments, State House Avenue P. O. Box 20311 - 00200 Nairobi, Kenya Tel. 254 20 2728332 Fax. 254 20 2726965 Cell. 254 724 226600 URL. www.circuitspackets.co.ke URL. www.JKUATEgovAcademy.ac.ke