Another great feature for the week!
Kenya's Civil Society groups need to wake up and has a big role to play into directing the internet arena!

"Here the multi-stakeholders are the public (government) and private (business) sectors along with civil society, a mixed bag of activists, academics and those in the technical community. Civil society groups in the Internet arena feel they have a stake in discussions concerning the digital space because critical parts of the Internet were invented by them.
The TPP, like all previous trade agreements, did not include this noisy, messy, unorganised third group."

Be blessed.

Pray God Bless. 2013Wangari circa - "Being of the Light, We are Restored Through Faith in Mind, Body and Spirit; We Manifest The Kingdom of God on Earth".

On Wednesday, 14 December 2016, 10:17, WANGARI KABIRU via kictanet <> wrote:

"...or instance: Have you ever read your favorite providers’ terms of service? When we click “I agree,” we hand over the right to track us, to profile us, to scan our email and chat content; to remove, edit, or share and sell our content without giving us a cut of the revenuesFacebook “likes” alone can reveal an individual’s gender, age, race, sexuality, political, and religious views. Target correctly inferred that a teenage girl was pregnant based on big data profiling—as her father found out when he phoned to complain that she’d been sent coupons for baby products....
One of the queries during the ICT review related to dominance to which this article delves into.

Be blessed.

Pray God Bless. 2013Wangari circa - "Being of the Light, We are Restored Through Faith in Mind, Body and Spirit; We Manifest The Kingdom of God on Earth".

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