
Is this scarce in the sense that some entities applied for frequencies but were turned down because the FM spectrum was already depleted? Please elaborate so that I can understand.
I don't think "illegal" and "so much" do come even closer. I maintain that you have no concern at all, just like myself because I am not looking to acquire a frequency.
The only concerns I have are three:
1. That the interference/encroaching on channels used in Aviation is a dangerous practice
2. That the timing of the switch-off is suspect
3. That it's not only RMS that was supposed to be dealt with, but other sacred cows too!

On Mon, Feb 4, 2013 at 4:30 PM, david matende <dmatende@yahoo.com> wrote:
As far as am concerned, the issue is not whether CCK  was right or wrong in disconnecting Royal Media outlets. My concern is that one person owns so much of a scarce resource.

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