Hi All,
I have finally realised that the print media is dead for all intent but the distribution of political propaganda here is my proof;
5 years ago I could place an advert in the classified section of the Nation or Standard newspapers and receive over 500 responses, 2 years ago I would place a one eighth page full colour advert only to receive 150 responses, last week a placed a quarter page advert in the Nation and only received 5 responses.
Interestingly, I placed a link on facebook and my
website received over 700 hits within 4 hours, that's the final straw I will no longer spend a penny on print advertising and fully embrace online.
Robert Yawe
KAY System Technologies Ltd
Phoenix House, 6th Floor
P O Box 55806 Nairobi, 00200
Tel: +254722511225, +254202010696