May 17 to Become World Information Society Day SOURCE: http://africa.rights.apc.org/index.shtml?apc=ne_1&x=2467777 11/16/2005 (HANA) -- Sub-Committee B of PrepCom-3 of the World Summit on the Information Society (WSIS) concluded it deliberations yesterday with government officials agreeing to set May 17 as World Information Society Day. The initiative is derived from the need to build awareness about the internet and make it a global resource available to the public. The committee reaffirmed the commitment of governments to empower young people as key participants in building an inclusive information society. It also resolved to actively engage youths in innovative information and communication technology (ICT) development programmes. Delegates agreed to strengthen the protection of children from abuse on the internet and defend their rights in the context of ICTs. The Sub-Committees final document, the Tunis Commitment drafted as part of its deliberations, included a section emphasizing that the best interests of the child are a primary consideration. Officials also reaffirmed their commitment to build a people-centred inclusive and development-oriented information society. Discussing mechanisms to finance the development of ICTs, the Sub-Committee highlighted the need for adequate and sustainable investments in ICTs to bridge the digital divide. Delegates urged the international community to promote assistance to poor countries, by meeting the funding needs of the developing world, especially those facing stiff challenges in the development of ICT. The committee agreed that the transfer of technology and capacity building would work effectively over many years. They unanimously agreed on the efficacy of the Digital Solidarity Fund (DSF), established in Geneva, Switzerland, two years ago, as a voluntary mechanism for transforming the digital divide into a digital opportunity for the poor nations. Government ministers and senior officials have for the past three days been attending sessions at the Palexpo Kram in Tunis where the three-day World Summit on the Information Society begins today. Date: 11/16/2005 Location: Tunisia Theme: WSIS Source: HANA