The Usher New Look Foundation presented eight awards to honor individuals and organizations. Among the Awards and their recipients who come from as far away as Kenya and Korea:
· Service Legacy Award: President William Jefferson Clinton
· Global Youth Leadership Award: Justin Bieber, Chantia Robinson and Summit Series (Jeff Rosenthal and Josh Zabar)
· Global Ambassador of Youth Award: Michelle Nunn, Hital Muraj, JY Park
· The Youth Catalyst Award: Jeanne Ashe and Mary Carillo on behalf of the USTA
The New Look
Foundation mentors young people as global leaders. Currently in
seven cities, New Look has worked with over 8,700 young people,
and has provided over 150,000 hours of leadership training. The
program trains high school youth in leadership, business,
education and service. Now in its eleventh year, New Look has seen a 98% high
school graduation rate among alumni. With its
Powered By Service campaign and an international call to youth
service, the New Look Foundation has made service more diverse,
relevant and accessible to all young people.