Hi Bill and all I shall respond to issues raised around KICTAnet as an institution, issues of governance etc. For those who are not aware, KICTANet started off as a project of the Association for Progressive Communications (APC) Catalyzing Access to ICTs (CATIA) project in Kenya in 2004. The CATIA project aimed at speeding policy and regulatory processes in 7 African countries. The KICTAnet was formed during a workshop in October 2004. Founding members were TESPOK, Media Council, the Kenya WSIS Civil Society Caucus, Summit Strategies and KIF. The 2004 workshop participants felt that the vacuum created by the lack of an ICT policy in Kenya was compelling enough to warrant the formation of an MSN that would work towards encouraging the government to speed up the development of an ICT policy and regulatory framework for Kenya in an open, inclusive and participatory manner. The policy process was finalized and approved by cabinet early 2006. The Network however, continued to play a role beyond the ICT policy process. Initial founding members therefore felt that to continue to play its role as an inter-dependent KICTAnet needed to develop into a formal and institutionalized network able to stand accountable to its constituents and not just a project. The network has faced challenges in finding appropriate structures and mechanisms for its operations. Therefore, KICTAnet approached IDRC for support to conduct an assessment to explore ways of dealing with these challenges. This exercise has looked at the issues that Bill has raised: "governance, accountability structures, members, legal recognition, operational infrastructure, personnel and systems as well as facilities to support the work of the network in the longer term. The assessment exercise is near completion with a first draft of the reports ready for comments. Evelyne, will be posting the reports of the assessment exercise and we would like to encourage everyone to have a look at the report and send comments that will help towards strengthening "this noble institution" to quote P.S. Ndemo and yes Bill, agree Kazi Iendelee! best alice
I agree with both comments and the problem lies in expectations. Whilst some expect to see the discussions in this list translate into action..Alex is equally right that advocacy is essential. My problem is that outside this list nobody knows of Kictanet existence. [not proven]. When we discuss policy, we never get the final reports circulated, when ideas are floated, we never know if the Kictanet mandarins will implement, when interesting ideas are developed on this list, we never see them tangibly hitting the ground and just remain lurking in this list.
Actually, the Kictanet website [kictanet/about us] does not even let us know of the structure and who are in charge, their terms and term in office and when to expect elections or an AGM for this society. Google 'kictanet' and you will see the 1,750 results are restricted around kictanet members websites...then try something like 'knhrc' and the 7,000+ results show that the activities hit the ground through newspapers, wikipedia amongst other channels. With the clout and respect kictanet has...we can easily achieve impact like knchr.
Either way, kazi iendelee!! Wa-kictanet musilale....bado mapambano...lakini domo iendelee.
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