--- John Walubengo <jwalu@yahoo.com> wrote:
Check it out below, towards the end after all the politics...
If The Standard really knew the power of ICTs, this should have been the first item and just append Mwiraria at the bottom of the story. After all, Kimunya scores more on shs (tentatively) 1 billion for TEAMs and other big dole issues.
Meanwhile, here is what google says about her. http://www.uonbi.ac.ke/departments/staff_profile.php?payroll_num=126370
could someone confirm if she is indeed the one google presumes above?
Firstly, glad Msee chose a lady to counter rampant ICT "Macho"ness in Kenya. A little story for you:- Six year ago my internet link went down. I called my ISP and they sent a lady to come fix it. She type on the keyboard so fast, I was back online so fast and she never took the route "the guys" also took ( i.e. blame the consumer for every gone wrong, "your PC has a virus", "you need to reinstall your OS", "something is wrong from on your end"....endless annoying ping, ping, ping, ping...) This support lady even advised me to only just have the TCIP protocol on my the external NIC to minimise chances of external intrusion to my network. Then I asked the big one, "How is it like to be a lady support person in a guy's field?". She replied, " I am glad you asked. I go to customers offices when I meet IT Managers (incidentally all are men!) and they order their secretaries to bring me Chocolate, Milo, Tea, Coffee ( and if I want biscuits?). Ten minutes later, they anxiously start tapping their desks then they ask "where are the rest?" (READ "The IT Support Guys"). Quite discriminatory don't you think? Back to her "googled" credentials. I notice her first interest is "behaviour" and I wondered if "promoting online respect and manners" would be one of the Board's priorities:) I doubt! Maybe she will compile all lists contributions into one BIG DATABASE and analyze what all contributors are all up to, especially those "consumers". I am not being judgmental just a "baptism of fireworks" because this is what this industry is in and she had best be prepared. Welcome on board! ____________________________________________________________________________________ Looking for a deal? Find great prices on flights and hotels with Yahoo! FareChase. http://farechase.yahoo.com/