
Thanks for the comprehensive response.

Listers, over to you.

Ali Hussein

+254 0770 906375 / 0713 601113

"I fear the day technology will surpass human interaction. The world will have a generation of idiots".  ~ Albert Einstein

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On Jan 20, 2014, at 8:35 AM, "Wambua, Christopher" <Wambua@cck.go.ke> wrote:

Thanks Ali for initiating discussion on this subject.   CCK would like to respond as follows to some of the queries raised last week on this subject:



1.  During last year's KeNIC AGM the board promised to share with us the consultancy findings that would come up with this framework towards commercializing the registry services beyond KeNIC. We are still awaiting that paper and I feel that the paper is integral to this discussion as it would provide good background information that informed the reason behind CCK taking a certain regulatory framework as opposed to another - I'm referring here to the fact that there are several directions this could go for example The South African Model as opposed to the UK Model or the Australian one. I guess we can delve deeper during the discussion.


KENIC is best placed to respond this query

2. The documents are silent about the fate of KeNIC (unless I missed it). What will happen to it? Who will be the recipient of the assets?  How are they going to be shared seeing that it is a PPP where CCK is not the only stakeholder.

The proposed licensing framework does not in any way suggest the dissolution of KENIC. In fact, the framework envisages an arrangement where KENIC remains as-is (a multi-stakeholder private public partnership) but with Government represented by another entity (Kenya ICT Authority) other than CCK (CCK will relinquish its positions in the KENIC Board and assume a regulatory oversight role). As such, the issue of sharing of assets, etc., does not arise.


3. Has the CCK formally informed ICANN/IANA of the intention for Re-Delegation? This is a major process and we must line up our ducks properly so that we are not caught flat footed. The stakeholders MUST also be told how this process would work to ensure mitigation of risks.


There will be no need for re-delegation given the explanation above.



Christopher Wambua

Manager – Communications

Consumer and Public Affairs Department

Communications Commission of Kenya

P.O. Box 14448 NAIROBI 00800

Tel: +254 20 4242209






From: kictanet [mailto:kictanet-bounces+wambua=cck.go.ke@lists.kictanet.or.ke] On Behalf Of Ali Hussein
Sent: Monday, January 20, 2014 12:27 AM
To: Wambua, Christopher
Cc: KICTAnet ICT Policy Discussions


Dear listers


We kick off the discussions today with 2 questions.


1. What do you think informed CCK's move towards a change in the way the .ke ccTLD is managed and do you think enough consultations (in the spirit of MultiStakeholderism) took place to arrive at this?


2. How in your opinion should any of the funds (after liquidation of KeNIC) be used? This question should also answer the question of surplus funds derived from the sale of .ke ccTLD domains? 


I suggest we take two days to discuss these questions in depth. 


We shall proceed to the next set of questions on Wednesday.  

Ali Hussein


+254 0770 906375 / 0713 601113

"I fear the day technology will surpass human interaction. The world will have a generation of idiots".  ~ Albert Einstein

Sent from my iPad