"Do mobile phones contribute more to social impact than to economic impact in developing countries?"

-------- Original Message --------

Two new interviews have been added to the debate which UNESCO has launched on the WSIS Platform of Communities website on the question "Do mobile phones contribute more to social impact than to economic impact in developing countries?"


The interviews are with:


·         Jenny Aker, whose research into the impact of mobile phones in Africa has been highly influential

·         Ken Banks, who developed the innovative and widely-used grassroots FrontlineSMS platform.


You can find the interviews - and participate in the debate - by emailing


and asking to register to the Platform.  The Platform of Communities website is at http://www.wsis-community.org/.


Your contributions to the debate will help develop thinking about mobile phones and development in the run-up to this year's WSIS Forum.






Sent by:


David Souter


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Managing Director, ict Development Associates

Visiting Professor in Communications Management, Business School, University of Strathclyde

Visiting Senior Fellow, Department of Media and Communications, London School of Economics

Associate of the International Institute for Sustainable Development