Who is ICANN and Where Does it Fit With Internet Governance? by Kieren McCarthy
You’d be surprised how many people are asking that question at the moment, but you won’t be surprised to know that the only thing they agree on is that they either don’t know, or that they disagree with the people that believe they do. I am not going to attempt to provide my own answer, but I will point to a paper just released by the Parliamentary Office of Science and Technology (POST).
Top-shelf domain names fetched a bundle in '06
The domain name aftermarket - or, if you prefer, speculation/ransom market - eclipsed the $100 million milestone for the first time last year, according to Zetetic, a research company. Here's a look at some of the numbers: A total of $111 million and change was spent on 17,974 names; The average price was $5,582, up 13 percent over the previous year's $4,954; That rate of increase surpassed the previous year's jump of 10 percent; And five names went for more than $1 million, four more than in 2005.
http://www.networkworld.com/community/?q=node/12149ICANN locks down at-risk Registerfly domains
ICANN plans to sue scandal-hit domain name registrar Registerfly.com tomorrow (6 March), saying the company is putting its customers' estimated 2 million domain names at risk.
http://www.cbronline.com/article_news.asp?guid=80D83445-B5D5-47BC-B74D-D70EA124D72BRegisterFly Site Goes Offline
The web site for troubled domain registrar RegisterFly went offline early Tuesday and remains unavailable. The downtime follows weeks of problems with the registerfly.com site, with domain name owners saying they have been unable to manage or transfer their domains. Amid growing concern about the status of domains at RegisterFly, ICANN has asked a California court to force RegisterFly to turn over
its database of domain data and compel an emergency audit of its books and records.
RegisterFly Site Back Up
A quick update - RegisterFly’s website is back up and Glenn Stansbury of RegisterFly claims that transactions are being processed.
http://blog.icann.org/?p=38How to Get Help When You Have a Problem with Your Registrar
ICANN successfully introduced competition in the registrar marketplace which has resulted in over 860 ICANN accredited registrars now offering a range of registration services. Go to
http://www.icann.org/registrars/accredited-list.html for a complete list of ICANN accredited registrars.
Registrants have the option of simply purchasing a domain name, or purchasing a domain name that includes a package of services such as web hosting services, domain name proxy services and other related services. With this range of registrar services available to the public, comes a range of customer service offerings. Registrants have found that some registrars offer 24 hour live customer service assistance, while others only offer customer service via e-mail. Accordingly, registrants are encouraged to carefully research a potential registrar before entering into a contract for registration services to determine if the potential registrar meets the needs of the registrant.
http://icann.org/announcements/announcement-06mar07.htmRegisterFly Update
ICANN provides the following update: PIR notified ICANN that the .ORG registry has restored the domains that were in RGP and
placed those domains on Server Deleted Prohibited status; AND On March 5, 2007, RegisterFly provided a copy of domain name registration data in response to ICANN's request pursuant to RAA section 3.4.3. ICANN is analyzing the data for integrity and completeness. ICANN will respond to RegisterFly with questions regarding aspects of the material provided.
http://icann.org/announcements/announcement-3-07mar07.htmWhen Domain Names Bite Back
The domain-name registration industry is suffering a bloody blow with the recent calamity at one of its most popular registrars. Registerfly was once one of the fastest-growing discounters on the scene, amassing millions of domain registrations, until an awkward ownership struggle and a bout of sloppy customer support found countless owners watch their dot-com names expire without renewal.
http://www.fool.com/investing/general/2007/03/07/when-domain-names-bite-back.aspxVeriSign Domain Name Industry Brief Shows Continued Strong Internet Growth (news release)
VeriSign released the VeriSign Domain Name Industry Brief for the fourth quarter of 2006. According to the report, which highlights key industry data for worldwide domain name activity, total domain name registrations reached 120 million, representing a 32 percent increase over the previous year, and an eight percent increase over the third quarter of 2006.
http://www.verisign.com/press_releases/pr/page_040772.htmlDomain name registrations increase 32 percent in 2006; China records 43 percent rise in a single quarter
Domain name registrations reached 120 million in the fourth quarter of 2006,
representing a 32 percent increase over the previous year, and an eight percent rise over the previous quarter.
http://www.computerworld.com.au/index.php/id;887105837VeriSign: 120M Domains Registered
VeriSign released its quarterly Domain Name Industry Brief. Among the findings is that there are now 120M domain names registered across all top level domain names. This is up 32% compared to 2005.
http://domainnamewire.com/2007/03/06/verisign-120m-domains-registered/http://webhosting.info/news/1/verisign-releases-domain-name-industry-brief_0305078484.htmhttp://www.pcadvisor.co.uk/news/index.cfm?newsid=8612400,000 .mobi Domain Names Now Registered
dotMobi announced more than 400,000 .mobi domains have been registered in 104 countries since the domain’s launch in October 2006.
http://www.circleid.com/posts/400000_mobi_domain_names/Over 400,000 .mobi domains registered
The Dublin-headquartered provider of the international .mobi mobile internet domain has revealed that it has now registered over 400,000 domain names.
http://www.siliconrepublic.com/news/news.nv?storyid=single7903http://mobile-ent.biz/news/25963/dotMobi-passes-400khttp://www.betanews.com/article/mobi_Registrations_Pass_400000/1173125http://earthtimes.org/articles/show/news_press_release,69442.shtmlPrice of domain names ending in .cn comes down
China's top Internet address registration agency has slashed the price of domain names ending with .cn to win users from the ".com" service, whose server is overseas. ... The promotion by CNNIC, backed by the Ministry of Information Industry, charges only one yuan (US$0.13) a year for registration per domain name, which is confined to English names ending with .cn.
http://www.shanghaidaily.com/sp/article/2007/200703/20070308/article_308251.htmbillgates.tel domain could be yours for
the asking
A new top level domain, .tel, will be launched next year designed to enable organisations and individuals to consolidate all their contact information in one place. Its backers have confirmed that individuals' domain names will be allocated on a first come first served basis.
http://www.itwire.com.au/content/view/10187/53/Porn Industry Against New XXX Domain
The renewed interest in the proposal of a ".xxx" TLD, created specifically for sexually explicit content, has once again sparked a controversial debate between the adult entertainment industry, domain distributor ICM Registry and conservative groups. The adult entertainment industry (through their professional organization Free Speech Coalition) issued a press release last Tuesday petitioning for help in opposing the proposal set by Stuart Lawley, head of ICM. The ICANN approved the TLD in June 2005, but in May
2006 voted against their contract with ICM.
nz: Bankers try again for second-level ‘anti-phishing’ domain
The Bankers’ Association is having another go at setting up a “bank.nz” second-level internet domain to mitigate the problem of phishing scams in the banking sector.
http://computerworld.co.nz/news.nsf/news/8886E2E9D36A70BFCC257292000EB1B1InternetNZ investigates becoming a charity
InternetNZ, the organisation that manages New Zealand internet domain addresses among other functions, is exploring whether it qualifies for
charitable status as an organisation that promotes the public good.
http://computerworld.co.nz/news.nsf/news/1BC9033D86D9E026CC257292000E1A27Why I left the ICANN At Large Advisory Committee
John Levine writes "For about the last two years, I was a member of ICANN’s At Large Advisory Commitee. In case anyone is wondering, here’s why I’m not on the ALAC any more."
http://www.circleid.com/posts/why_i_left_icann_at_large_alac/Social Networking and Web 2.0 Creating DNS Performance Issues for Carriers
A revolution is taking place on the Internet, with new sites redefining how we interact online. The next-generation Internet is emerging in collaborative and interactive applications and sites with rich, varied media (images, video, music). As with many
revolutions, this one is driven by the younger generation, which is adopting social networking sites like MySpace and video sharing sites like Google's YouTube. But the general shift is not restricted to the young, as more mature consumers and businesses alike are exploring the possibilities of collaborative, media-rich applications. This major shift in Internet applications has its unintended victims. One of them turns out to be the DNS.
http://www.circleid.com/posts/social_web_2_dns_performance_carriers/ICANN Successfully Conducts Laboratory Tests of Internationalised Domain Names
In October, 2006, ICANN engaged Autonomica AB of Stockholm, Sweden, to develop, conduct, and report on the results of laboratory testing of internationalized top-level domains in a setting corresponding to the public root. Quoting from their report, "Autonomica AB has, under a
contract with ICANN, investigated whether the addition of top level domains containing encoded internationalized characters (so called IDNs) would have any impact on the operations of the root name servers providing delegations, or the iterative mode resolvers used to look up the information. No impact at all could be detected. All involved systems behaved exactly as expected."
http://icann.org/announcements/announcement-4-07mar07.htmICANN gTLD Registry Data Escrow Report
This report has been prepared as part of the Registry Failover Project, to assist with the review of ICANN's existing data escrow requirements for gTLD registries, and to contribute to the above mentioned deliverables. As a part of the review, ICANN is working with several gTLD registries to examine data from an escrow deposit for the purpose of determining whether the current requirements are sufficient
or need to be improved.
http://icann.org/announcements/announcement-05mar07.htmAsia/Australia/Pacific At-Large Community MoU with ICANN Open for Public Comment
The Asia/Australia/Pacific (AP) region of At Large has reached a consensus on the contents of a Memorandum of Understanding ("MOU") between the region and ICANN.
http://icann.org/announcements/announcement-07mar07.htmCan't choose your typosquatters
Commentator Bill Langworthy points out that, much as in real-world real estate, a domain name's value is all about location, location, location. And, good or bad, typosquatters are just a keystroke away.
http://marketplace.publicradio.org/shows/2007/03/06/AM200703061.htmlDomain Names & Defensible Traffic
Andy Hagans recently posted about his linkbait marathon strategy to rank his sites at the top of the search results. Brian Provost posted about his love for domaining. Domain names may play a big roll not only in anchor text, but also in overall domain credibility, linkability, and defensibility.
http://www.webpronews.com/blogtalk/2007/03/01/domain-names-defensible-trafficThe 50 Most Important People on the Web - 35. Vinton G. CerfChairman,
ICANN Board of Directors, and vice president and chief Internet evangelist, Google
http://www.pcworld.com/article/id,129301-page,8-c,techindustrytrends/article.htmlFamilyAlbum.com and GoDaddy Update
Here’s the latest about the FamilyAlbum.com fiasco with GoDaddy. Domain Name Wire’s story about FamilyAlbum.com has garnered lots of attention. A story about the story has about 3,500 Diggs on Digg.com. Message boards are buzzing. Bloggers are blogging. But where does that leave us? Did GoDaddy have the right to “delete” FamilyAlbum.com?
http://domainnamewire.com/2007/03/05/familyalbumcom-and-godaddy-update/uk: Our Farm Holiday Website Has Been Hijacked to Sell Porn
A luxury North Wales holiday farmhouse owner last night called for an investigation after a website promoting the business was hijacked to sell porn. ... Mr Thomas said:
"We pay a monthly subscription and a yearly payment which may have gone through just a few days late. "I am not well up on computers, but it may have been lying dormant for three or four days during which time other users were able to get into it and add links."
http://www.redorbit.com/news/technology/861654/wales_our_farm_holiday_website_has_been_hijacked_to_sell/index.htmlThe benefits of renting a domain name (member's sub req'd)
Renting a domain name can have numerous benefits including economical profitability. These consequences can be tax benefits, retention of the domain name ownership even despite a bankruptcy filing as well as being able to use the domain name by the original owner. As for individuals that want to rent these domain names, there can be many benefits including the use of a restricted domain
name for one.
http://www.ibls.com/internet_law_news_portal_view.aspx?s=articles&id=27958746-F5D1-439F-9092-42B72161B567ICANN Opens .museum Agreement Proposal for Comments
ICANN, last week announced the proposed .museum sTLD registry agreement is posted for public comment and can be viewed at draft proposed agreement and appendices at proposed appendices.
http://webhosting.info/news/1/icann-opens-.museum-agreement-proposal-for-comments_0306072829.htmNameMedia Launches New Domain Sales Platform (news release)
NameMedia today announced the launch of ActiveExchange, providing domain owners access for the first time to the exclusive distribution network of the industry's
leading domain marketplace.
http://digital50.com/news/items/BW/2001/07/14/20070306006115/namemedia-launches-new-domain-sales-platform.htmlGodaddy Introduces Discounted Domain Club
GoDaddy announced the introduction of the Discount Domain Club, a subscription-based service established for frequent domain buyers to save money. Membership in the Discount Domain Club affords domain name buyers registration prices that are up to 36% off of Go Daddy's domain pricing and includes free subscriptions to other Go Daddy services.
http://webhosting.info/news/1/godaddy-introduces-discounted-domain-club_0305071810.htmDemand Media Announces Social Networking Tools For .TV Domain Names (news release)
Media and eNom announced that eNom resellers will be able to offer their customers the Demand Media industry leading social networking tools with every .tv registration.
http://www.redorbit.com/news/technology/862129/demand_media_announces_social_networking_tools_for_tv_domain_names/index.htmlMindGenies Attains ICANN Accreditation
MindGenies, an internet solutions and consultancy company, yesterday announced that it is now an ICANN accredited registrar.
http://webhosting.info/news/1/mindgenies-attains-icann-accreditation_0307078547.htmBritish porn mastermind fights US Government (sub req'd)
The British man behind the proposed .xxx Internet domain believes that the US Government has
intervened to thwart his plans.
http://www.legalbrief.co.za/article.php?story=20070307084858371Regierungskoalition macht sich für TLDs wie .berlin stark
Die Koalitionsfraktionen von SPD und CDU/CSU im Deutschen Bundestag setzen sich für die Einführung neuer Top-Level-Domains vor allem für regionale und urbane Gemeinschaften wie beispielsweise ".bayern", ".nrw" oder ".berlin" ein. Die Bundesregierung soll aufgefordert werden, sich im Rahmen der Mitarbeit im GAC der ICANN für die Weiterentwicklung des Adressraums im Internet einzusetzen.
http://golem.de/0703/50928.htmlhttp://www.pc-magazin.de/common/nws/einemeldung.php?id=50909http://www.umts-report.de/news.php?ida=575911&idc=236http://www.internet-magazin.de/common/nws/einemeldung.php?id=50909Weiterentwicklung des Adressraums im Internet
Anlaesslich der Einbringung des Antrages der Koalitionsfraktionen 'Weiterentwicklung des Adressraums im Internet' erklaert der medienpolitische Sprecher der SPD-Bundestagsfraktion im Deutschen Bundestag, Joerg Tauss:
http://www.umts-report.de/news.php?ida=575911&idc=236Bundestag widmet sich dem Domain Name System
Die Bundesregierung solle sich für die Einführung neuer TLD im Domain Name System des Internets starkmachen – allen voran TLDs für regionale und urbane Gemeinschaften. Den
Vorschlag für einen entsprechenden Beschluss bringen die Koalitionsfraktionen nach Diskussionen im Unterausschuss Neue Medien noch diese Woche in erster Lesung in den Bundestag ein. Der Initiator des Vorschlags, Jörg Tauss, medienpolitischer Sprecher der SPD-Fraktion im Bundestag, teilte im Vorfeld mit, Adresszonen mit Regionalbezug – ganz im Stil der neu eingeführten Zonen .eu für die EU, .cat für Katalonien und .asia für den asiatischen Raum – seien von besonderer Bedeutung für deutsche Bundesländer, Städte, Gemeinden und Regionen.
http://www.heise.de/newsticker/meldung/86329Aserbaidschan: Großer Sprung in den Cyberspace
Ali Abbasow, Minister für Kommunikations- und Informationstechnologie von Aserbaidschan, nutzte die erste Vollversammlung der "Global Alliance for ICT & Development" (GAID) im kalifornischen Santa Clara, um für internationale Unterstützung des
geplanten großen Sprunges seines Landes in den Cyberspace zu werben.
http://www.heise.de/newsticker/meldung/86193Die wichtigsten Frauen der IT-Branche
Esther Dyson – Die Schweizerin beeinflusste als Kolumnistin der NY Times viele IT-Diskussionen, prägte als Vorstand der ICANN ( Verwaltung von Internet- Adressen) viele Web-Entwicklung und ist gefragte Netz-Beraterin.
http://www.kurier.at/galerie/index/3636/1/nachrichten/technoCeBITaktion für DomainReseller von DNS:NET - -März.de oder Maerz.de? Kein Problem mit DNS:NET Domains (news release)
Die DNS:NET Internet Service GmbH startet zur CeBIT ihr Aktionsprogramm für die über 600 Reseller im Bereich Domainregistrierung. 1998 als Domainserviceanbieter gestartet, ist die DNS:NET mittlerweile als Carrier und Telefongesellschaft
national und international aktiv.
http://www.finanznachrichten.de/nachrichten-2007-03/artikel-7864320.asphttp://www.wallstreet-online.de/nachrichten/nachricht/2032209.htmlhttp://www.pressetext.com/pte.mc?id=98951L’ICANN durcit sa position vis-ŕ-vis de Registerfly
Dans un communiqué publié le 2 mars, l’ICANN fait le point sur les actions en cours contre Registerfly, un registrar américain trčs critiqué pour son manque de rigueur.
http://domainesinfo.fr/actualite/1146/l-icann-durcit-sa-position-vis-a-vis-de-registerfly.phpNouvelle modalité de
suppression des .FR et des .RE
L’AFNIC prévoit au 4eme semestre 2007 de sécuriser toute procédure de suppression de ses noms en lui associant une période de rédemption de 30 jours.
http://domainesinfo.fr/extension/1147/france-nouvelle-modalite-de-suppression-des-fr-et-des-re.phpRegisterFly, dopo due anni l'ICANN si muove
Su un caso che ha fatto discutere e che per due anni ha visto crescere le proteste dei clienti del registrar, l'ICANN decide finalmente di prendere provvedimenti
http://punto-informatico.it/p.aspx?id=1914836Telecomunicaciones : Llega el dominio ".tel"
Los dominios ".tel" se emplearán para realizar comunicaciones a través de telefonía en Internet. ICANN publica en su blog que en breve podremos comenzar a registrar
dominios ".tel". Una entrada para el dominio ".tel" acaba de ser creada en el "root zone". Los registros se podrán realizar en breve a traves de Telnic.
http://www.faq-mac.com/mt/archives/021866.phpDe 50 mäktigaste pĺ nätet - Vinton G. Cerf
Vinton G. Cerf utvecklade TCP/IP-protokollen som internet vilar pĺ, därmed gĺr det att pĺstĺ att han är en internets grundare. För närvarande har är han ordförande i ICANN. 2005 blev han Googles vice-president och chefsevangelist.
http://www.ekonominyheterna.se/nyheter/2007/03/06/natets3135viktigasteperson/Potíže registrátora RegisterFly trvají
Webové stránky doménového registrátora RegisterFly jsou vypnuté od úterý tohoto týdne, upozornuje Netcraft. Situace okolo spolecnosti RegisterFly je již
delší dobu problematická. Po vlne obvinování se mezi vedením firmy a vlastníky došlo i na zmínky o prípadném zproneverení financních prostredku. RegisterFly navíc, podle informací z amerických médií, nezaplatil za své zákazníky registracní poplatky.
http://digiweb.ihned.cz/c4-10072070-20604820-i00000_d-potize-registratora-registerfly-trvajiTúl gyorsan terjedt a net, túl sok lett a visszaélés
Az internet alapító atyja szerint számoltak ugyan a hálózat sebezhetoségével, ilyen fokú bunözéssel azonban, ami az almúlt években jelentkezett a világhálón, már nem - igaz, azzal sem, hgy az internet ennyire elterjedt lesz, mint ma.