Lister's, According to a recent report that was commissioned by ICANN and published by the Boston Consulting Group entitled, The Connected World, greasing the wheels of the Internet Economy, digitally driven economic growth continues to be one of the few bright spots in a sluggish global economy. Reducing or eliminating numerous factors that inhibit online interactions and exchange could cause this growth to be even faster and could have an even bigger impact. Questions 1) To what extent is the policy environment facilitating the expansion of infrastructure which is one of the major factors limiting access to online activity? 2) To what extent is the policy environment facilitating the development of skilled labour and availability of Capital that would support the development of digital businesses? 3) To what extent is the growth and development of payment systems and enhancement of data security affecting the degree to which citizens and consumers engage in online activities? 4)To what extent is the policy environment promoting the use of local content as well as facilitating Internet openness? The floor is open