4 Jul
4 Jul
4:25 a.m.
Listers The world of Internet Governance has shifted. Power is back with Governments and Major Telcos. The Multi-Stakeholder model where Governments & Non-State players co-existed is under threat. What's a world to do? Read on:- https://www.linkedin.com/today/post/article/20140704011347-18140090-revisiting-the-itrs-in-a-post-snowdenia-world?published=t&_mSplash=1 Ali Hussein +254 770 906375 / 0713 601113 Twitter: @AliHKassim Skype: abu-jomo LinkedIn: http://ke.linkedin.com/in/alihkassim Blog: www.alyhussein.com "I fear the day technology will surpass human interaction. The world will have a generation of idiots". ~ Albert Einstein Sent from my iPad