Very well Daktari.... you just mid-wifed [?] another CCTLD. Congratulations are in order! On Wed, Aug 10, 2011 at 8:54 AM, Shem Ochuodho <>wrote:
We got it! Dot-SS (alpha-2) for the Internet domain code, and "SSD" for the ISO alpha-3 numeric code.
Thanks to all who made this a reality one way or other. Shem
Shem J. Ochuodho, MSc (Eng), PhD, LLD (Hon) Senior Advisor Ministry of Telecom & Postal Services Republic of South Sudan (RSS), Juba Cell: +249-955-021-040/+256-477-232025/+254-725-016679 Skype: shem.ochuodho
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-- Muthoni My Blog: -------------------------------------------- Mahatma Gandhi once said:- First they ignore you, Then they laugh at you, Then they fight you, AND THEN YOU WIN!!!