
The mass is today at 2.30 Holy family Basillica

For those who did not know...Alari and his siblings
were orphans, having lost their parents some years
ago. As far back as I can remember, Alari has been the
father and mother of his siblings.

With this in mind there are two different groups in
Nairobi (that  I am aware of ) that are raising funds
for his burial and for the upkeep of the siblings he
has left behind. There is an ongoing fundraising here
at The Standard Group from colleagues and the company
itself and another one which i mentioned in an
earlier email that involves friends, family etc.

I think a bank account may be set up for donations for
the upkeep of the siblings. Once this is confirmed we
will let you know so that those who wish to make
personal donations may do so.

Tel. 254 720 318 925


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