Thank you, John. I too wondered what the connection was. Sorry, if that went off-line. My premise has all along been that: there needs to be fairness, transparency and professionalism in the sector; that there is emerging capacity/talent that needs to be nurtured and harnessed; and that the local industry needs to be protected. I'll for sure stick to that train of discourse.
--- On Thu, 7/3/08, John Walubengo <> wrote:
From: John Walubengo <> Subject: Re: Lets stick to the ICT Policy Agenda To: Cc: "New Vision List" <>, "KICTAnet ICT Policy Discussions" <> Date: Thursday, July 3, 2008, 3:09 AM
Shem, Alex et al,
Am not sure if this is the right forum to discuss or speculate on who is the
bigger thief within the ICT industry. And if someone wishes to go in the
direction, they must do so on conclusive evidence or at least try to find a way
to tie (disguise?) that discussion towards ICT Policies - e.g. what ICT
Policies need to be in place to pre-empt such recurrence.
If we dont stick to these guidelines, I foresee a lot of members
un-subscribing...starting with me.
By the Way: I do love juicy stories, I just dont think that this is the space
for them.